Tom Baigrie

Tom is 57, has had a moustache since long before facial hair became fashionable, rides a Triumph Tiger in London and a Harley Davidson elsewhere, rows 5km in 20 minutes on his machine most mornings and is a decade into learning the art of Tai Chi. He’s proud that LifeSearch customers rate it 4.6/5 on TrustPilot and that the whole business talks about their values of Care, Tolerance, Openness, Honesty and Excellence about 5 times more than they talk about profit, but he’s most proud of Angus, Patrick and Carolina and his 29 year and counting marriage to their mum Alison.


Tom Baigrie is the founder and CEO of LifeSearch, a business that every week helps over 2,000 people protect themselves and their families against the financial catastrophe that death or disability can cause. Tom started LifeSearch back in 1998 and called it that because it searches out the best covers from all the UKs insurers. Today LifeSearch’s 500 strong team is recommended by Money Saving Expert, Compare the Market, Moneysupermarket, Lloyd’s Bank, Which? and many others and is thus the largest protection intermediary in the UK. Since 1998, Tom and LifeSearch have seen more than 85 industry judging panels deem them the best at what they do, but the award that Tom is proudest of is LifeSearch’s third place, at the first time of entering, in the ‘Sunday Times Top 100 Companies to Work For’ listing.


Tom set up LifeSearch originally because he saw banks ripping off customers with policies he could arrange for far lower premiums by shopping around and giving customers proper protection advice. Ever since he’s felt that leading financial services retailers should shape their market and has thus long campaigned for better insurer and distributor practices. His statement that “The claim is our core product, not the policy” is amongst the most widely quoted in today’s UK protection market.

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