4th April 2020 How we can rebuild trustworthiness and confidence in financial services through technology

21st April 2020 How we can rebuild trustworthiness and confidence in financial services through greater transparency

23rd April 2020 Malpractice, Malfeasance, Misconduct, Misselling, Fraud, Scams and Scandals; What’s it going to take to fix the problem?

8th Sept 2020 Is Litigation a Pension Savers Best Friend? – A Masterclass Session with Jerry Schlichter

9th Sept 2020 “Exploring how to Deliver Data Standards in the Financial Services Sector” – a special TTF event with the Bank of England and FCA

4th Nov 2020 Telling it as they see it: Garry Heath and Steve Farrall; two straight-talking stalwarts of the financial advice sector