Our events are an integral part of our strategy for driving change, which is is to bring together two types of people:
#1, Those with a sense of ‘passion & purpose’ about what needs to change; and
#2, Those with the ‘power & position’ to help make change happen
The testimonials below from previous attendees will help explain the aims and objectives of our Transparency Symposia – they aren’t ordinary events:

Pete Glancy,
Head of Policy Development, Pensions, Investments and Workplace, Wealth & Insurance, Lloyds Banking Group
“I’ve been to a number of Transparency Symposiums over the last 2 years, considering subject matter such as Transaction Charge Disclosure, the Asset Management Market Review and more recently the FCA’s Platform Study.
These symposiums are a melting pot, where all sorts of interested parties express and share views. With regulators and policymakers attending alongside those with commercial interests and those championing the consumer and other causes, this is a great forum to express your views if you want others to see things from your perspective and of course a great opportunity to see things from other people’s perspective.”

Andrew D. Esctruth,
Associate Director for External Relations,
Center for Retirement Research at Boston College
”I would urge anyone concerned with improving the relationship between the financial industry, regulators, and consumers to attend a Transparency Task Force (TTF) symposium. This superb organization was started in the United Kingdom and has quickly established an impressive track record for raising awareness of the benefits of greater transparency in the provision of financial services, a prerequisite for building trust with consumers. The TTF events bring together a diverse group of experts with one common goal: to help the financial industry thrive by putting its clients first. This mission is vital in today’s environment in which the risk and responsibility for attaining retirement security has shifted away from institutions and to individuals.”

Daniel Godfrey,
“Thinking about what’s next”;
Co-Founder of The People’s Trust;
Former Chief Executive of the Investment Association
“Transparency Symposiums are a place where people who care about financial services and the important role they have to play can come to support and shape the future of transparency”

Dr. Kara Tan Bhala,
President and Founder,
Seven Pillars Institute for Global Finance and Ethics
“I attended and spoke at the Transparency Symposium in Boston on September 28th. The quality of speakers and the content of their talks were impressive in depth, scope and relevance of knowledge. The symposium provided a space for professionals to present their ideas and for everyone to meet and speak frankly with others who share the same purpose of improving financial practice and policy. Presenters were high-level executives, directors, and presidents of their companies. Attendees belonged in the top echelons of their fields. I forecast this and future symposia will lead to the fulfillment of Transparency Task Force goals, pushing financial services to new heights of ethical advancement. In sum, the symposium was a well-organized, friendly, and illuminating gathering of thought leaders and social justice advocates.”

Stephen Davis,
Associate Director and
Senior Fellow, Programs on Corporate Governance and Institutional Investors, Harvard Law School
“TTF is all about equipping the capital market and its participants with tools they need to adapt to forces of change. Transparency is coming to the corporate and investor worlds, as it has hit other fields, as a result of public, regulatory, NGO, and social media pressure. TTF convenes professionals from diverse disciplines for collective brainstorming on how to make transparency into an asset.”

Judith Donnelly,
Squire, Patton Boggs
“The Transparency Symposiums are one of the few forums where regulators, industry representatives and academics can meet and discuss ideas and solutions in an open forum”

George Kinder,
The Institute of Life Planning
“Transparency is the major issue society faces today in both democracy and finance. The Transparency Task Force is doing a terrific job highlighting this issue by bringing together a wide range of experts to provide intelligent insight and deep thought for everyone involved.
The symposium stimulated me to become even more active in my effort to shed light on opacity through my blogging and my new book A Golden Civilization. I’m very excited to see what The Transparency Task Force does moving forward”

Simon Fletcher,
Johnson Fleming
“A really great event covering a topic that that is not only gaining further traction in our market and with Government, but most importantly is of huge importance to our corporate clients and their employees”

Jon Lukomnik,
Executive Director,
Investor Responsibility Research Institute
“The Transparency Symposium provides a unique and valuable lens through which to examine how to improve both the efficiency and resiliency of the financial system, for the good of investors, the industry and society. The speakers are good, but it’s the interaction with the other attendees and the sense of purpose which differentiates it from every other financial meeting.
The symposium cuts across the normal siloes in the financial sector, so that we can learn from each other, including a number of perspectives that often are not heard… but should be.”

Tomas Wijffels,
Senior Polocy Advisor,
The Federation of Dutch Pension Funds
The importance of cost transparency:
“Cost transparancy is of the utmost importance to the Federation of Dutch Pension Funds.
We believe that the pension industry is morally obliged to be transparent.
Pension funds have to provide an adequate retirement income at an acceptable price (contribution). The level of costs is crucial because it affects pension savings during an accrual period of several decades. Therefore costs have a significant impact on the eventual retirement income.
Cutting costs is not the primary goal. Costs should be evaluated in the context of risk and return on investment. This triangle should be taken into account by the management board of a pension fund during the entire decision making process.
The Federation of the Dutch Pension Funds published its most recent recommendations on costs in 2016. Cost transparency is no longer voluntary but also a legal obligation for pension funds in the Netherlands nowadays.
A next step should be to reach international agreement on how asset managers should calculate the level of costs and how they present this information to their clients. For this reason, we fully support the initiative of the Transparency Task Force. Together we can lift cost transparency to an even higher level.”

Steve Conley
Founder & CEO,
Values Based Adviser
“For decades, many failed attempts have been made to restore trust and confidence to the financial services industry and it is more important now than ever that we do so for social and economic reasons…step up to the plate to make change happen”

John Howard,
Director, Consumer Insights; Solicitor and Broadcaster – formerly Chair of the Financial Services Consumer Panel and Non Executive Director at the Financial Ombudsman Service and NED at Ofgem. Member of both a pensions With Profits Committee and an Independent Governance Committee.
“The Transparency Symposia provide excellent opportunities to hear expert analysis and groundbreaking ideas on the future of financial services and regulation.
Although views may diverge these are immensely constructive events and well worth attending for all those interested in the future of our market based economy. The underlying principle, that public trust comes with greater transparency, is a theme that overwhelming chimes with the times.”

David Butcher,
Founder and Director,
Communications and Content

William Price,
Independent Global Pension Expert
“The events bring together people with the motivation, expertise and commitment to develop a financial sector that delivers for the people it serves. Nothing could be more important or more necessary.“

Tom Burgess,
Executive Director,
Progressive Policy Unit
“It was the lack of transparency coupled with corporate greed that lead to the financial crash that ruined so many peoples lives and aggravated the continuing rise in inequality. We must learn from our mistakes and take strong action
The Transparency Task Force and the symposia that are organised are a very useful way of educating those in business and beyond of the potential threat of inaction in this area. They are a valuable lesson in what we need to do to make sure we do not allow such disasters to happen again.”

Stuart Woollard,
Managing Partner,
Organizational Maturity Services
“TTF events cover critical issues facing the financial and wider corporate community, bringing together thinking, perspectives and approaches from a diverse range of important stakeholders. A transparent financial services sector has never been more necessary and can only be achieved on whole system basis, with the participation of all relevant actors. TTF provides the perfect conduit to help make this happen”.

Stefan Pagacik,
“I recently attended the Task Force March 2019 event in Boston and was very impressed with the information, quality of presentations and the depth of knowledge present in the room. The dialogue was constructive and action oriented; in a refreshing change from other symposiums that I have attended, this was not about making sales pitches. It was strictly to encourage roundtable discussions that focused on areas of financial malfeasance and what can be done to rectify these atrocities. Each participant contributed information, insights and potential solutions that went beyond his or her own particular role in financial services, technology or other industry. I came away energized and ready to contribute my time and resources to support Andy’s mission and vision for the Task Force.
I found it to be both intellectually stimulating and spiritually nourishing for connecting with like-minded people. Already I have made important connections that potentially can be transformative for AI4Impact.
I would strongly urge you to consider joining the mailing list, attending a future event and getting involved to help us re-establish trust and transparency in our global financial and economic ecosystem.”

Heather Buchanan,
Director of Policy,
“The TTF has established itself as a key forum for stakeholders to engage in productive, challenging discussions about issues facing the financial services industry.
The conversations are refreshingly frank and thrive under Andy’s incisive lead, and I very much look forward to the next one.”

David Weeks,
Association of Member Nominated Trustees
“Transparency Task Force run well prepared and well attended symposia.
Member nominated trustees find that the gatherings put into clear context the issues that are involved. They also provide opportunities to exchange views. We think that AMNT and TTF have complementary roles.”

Paul Bates,
Senior Counsel,
Bates Barristers
“The TTF offers a brilliant cross-sectional view of financial services industry challenges by the deep and refreshing talent of committed volunteers.
Problems are discussed in a constructive manner. Improvements are explored with multi-disciplinary inputs.
TTF offers a fruitful and friendly learning environment.”

Caroline Hopper,
Senior Writer,
“The lack of transparency in financial services is a problem we need to tackle from the inside and out. To do this we need to be able to bring together people who can see the problem from different angles – and that’s exactly what TTF does.
I think the TTF is going to play a huge part in making the financial services industry work for the people it’s actually supposed to serve. “

Dr. Steve Hubbard,
“I strongly agree with the TTF principles and have been a member for some time, attending face-to-face Symposia and more recently those online.
To me a great strength of these meetings is the facility to meet and talk to people from a wide variety of backgrounds and professional experience.
As well as listening to world-class speakers I have always found an eagerness to communicate and discuss the issues among everyone.
In leading the TTF and chairing meetings Andy Agathangelou plays a vital role in welcoming and showing the utmost courtesy to everyone, while enabling all views to be heard.”

Mohammed Amin MBE MA FCA AMCT CTA (Fellow)
Individual Investor
“The financial services industry has a vital role to play in every economy. People need financial services throughout their lifetimes.
Unfortunately, asymmetries in negotiating power and in information all too often lead to abuse, with financial services providers misleading consumers by selling unsuitable products as well as exploiting them with excessive and hidden charges.
Change is needed in government regulations and in industry practice. I see the TTF as a key agent in helping to achieve such change.”

Dr Harinder Mann,
Ashridge Business School
“The transparency taskforce is a great place to discuss and evaluate how the finance industry needs to do more to serve its customers and society better.
The initiatives being undertaken by the taskforce are at the heart of what needs to shift in the industry. The network the taskforce has created of like minded individuals is a great network to be part of with interesting and stimulating debate.”

Bruno Bonati
Executive Board Member,
“It is the first time I attended a TTF event. I was impressed be the excellent preparation, the perfect execution, the entrepreneurial and cooperative atmosphere.
The potential of standardisation is hugh in many areas of the finance industry: Regulatory reporting, risk Management, analytical banking and transaction banking. It is worth to analyze and understand the ACTUS standard in order to assess if this is the right approach. I am convinced.”

Adrian Holliday
Freelance Financial and Business Journalist
“A TTF symposium takes you to the heart of pension unfairness: from the obtuse, high-handed language regularly used and rip-off fees charged to the lack of knowledge held by so many trustees.
If you need a couple of hours of hard-won insight into our pensions crisis from a cross-section of people who know the system inside out then there’s no better way to spend your time. What’s always encouraging is the determination from so many participants to improve pensions governance, even if views are divided on how it’s done. The point is the right questions are getting asked.”

Edd Twohig
“My participation with the Transperaty Task Force came about by their developing interest in macroeconomics.
Their symposiums and discussion groups provide useful discussion of interest by those in many countries suffering from the failed neo-liberal economic experiment of the last fifty years.
My experience developed within the real economy over many years, in many countries. Following an active career, there has been time for research and contemplation of taxation, monetary and economic policy. Financial services as a cost center of the real economy has to some extent failed its responsibility. The Transparency Task Force should help restore a more progressive functioning.”

Jason Hsu
Founder, Chairman & CIO, Rayliant Global Advisors
“TTF Symposium brings together industry leaders who are committed to bring about positive changes to the finance industry.
I am inspired and moved by the work done by these leaders in their own field and by the support they have shown Andy and team at Transparency Task Force.
The Symposium is at once joyful and low stress to attend and yet intense and high stake.
I encourage leaders in the finance industry to experiment with the various TTF Symposiums throughout the year and support Andy’s effort to build a community of committed individuals seeking to make a difference.”

Josina Kamerling
Head of Regulatory Outreach EMEA, CFA Institute
“TTF symposiums are always stimulating and connect people with a likeminded passion for transparent fair capital markets. In this case we discussed the EU capital markets with its challenges of how to build a capital market in pandemic conditions with geopolitical challenges and societal needs such as fixing the pension deficit and better investor protection.”

Darren McShane
Financial Regulation Consultancy Services
“I have joined a number of TTF events, both in person and virtually. They are always well structured and are a great forum for getting a diverse range of inputs on topics; unlike the echo chambers that some other, industry promoted, events can become. I think that it is important that we remain open to listening to a wide range of inputs on important issues.”

Peter Hanlon
Treasurer, Rotary Club of Melbourne
“I attended the symposium on “How can Australia’s Superannuation System be improved“ and found it be hosted with accomplishment by Andy, with a fluent and well thought through agenda, a set of presenters who were highly credentialed and informative, and engaged and interactive attendees who provided constructive feedback and insights.
I normally attend events and expect to leave with 3-4 new learnings; however, this symposium represented learnings overload as I strived to record and annotate the contributions
Events of this calibre require significant planning , research and co-ordination in their preparation and execution , with TTF to be commended for an outstanding session and the groundwork for a significant advocacy submission.”

Ian Fryer
General Manager, Chant West
“The Transparency Symposium on the Australian super system was a great opportunity to hear a range of views on how the super system has delivered for members and how it can be improved. The range of views, all shared respectfully, provided some helpful directions about how the system could be improved across accumulation, decumulation, governance and consumer outcomes. The great thing about the Transparency Taskforce is it attracts input from the full spectrum of market participants which is quite rare in our industry.”

Abbey Roper
Personal Banking Advisor, Westpac
“The Transparency Task Force is leading change in the financial services sector – offering open minded, holistic conversations about positive industry development.
‘Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care” is what this taskforce is all about.'”

Anthony Badaloo
Owner, Church Hill Finance
“The Symposium titled “Fraud and the Fight to Fix It – Reflections from a Retiring Police Crime Commissioner, and others” was very innovative and successful. In that it brought together, a rare meeting of minds, of victims, campaigners and law enforcement, including the Crime Commissioner (Thames Valley), Anthony Stansfield.
As a campaigner against Illegal Homelessness @ www.ScamBuster.TV, it was an honour to be present.”

Laura Watkin
Health and Safety Advisor, Bureau Veritas
“An insightful and thought-provoking event. For me, the particular highlights were the introduction to the Violation Tracker website and the Living Wage Foundation website, which lists accredited Living Wage employers. It showed what powerful data there is out there that can be harnessed for positive change.”

Rebecca Self
Director of Sustainable Finance, southpole
“I have personally gained a lot from joining the TTF. For example, sharing suggestions to make finance more purposeful and sustainable with like minded experts and building my network. Thank you TTF for the work in bringing this together representing the interests of financial institutions’ customers.”

Margaret Hayward
Former United Nations, and Director, New British Gardens Estates Ltd
“I was introduced to your organisation through a friend of my fathers who, like him, had come up against the corruption that only a lack of accountability makes possible. Unfortunately, this extends both to Governmental institutions and is also particularly prevalent in the Legal system, including lawyers and Judiciary, the Police, Banking and Financial Services etc.. Indeed, anywhere that power resides and is exercised without meaningful constraint or truly independent scrutiny. In fact, many of these consortiums do have bodies that are supposedly there for this function but, in many cases, they interpret their brief as protectors of their membership rather than upholding their assigned role of policing it. Some enforcers are even funded by the very firms they are expected to regulate.
One of the back doors used by perpetrators of misfeasance’s is via such otherwise respectable societies as Masonic lodges etc., and it perhaps speaks volumes why their membership seems to attract a disproportionate number from those professions.
Given the above, it is like a breath of fresh air that The Transparency Task Force has been set up and comprises of cross-party MP’s and commissioners who have observed what occurs, whistle blowers and various victims who are normally blamed by the system for the consequences of their own circumstances while the perpetrators of the fraud escape without blame and are even underwritten by the legal procedure itself.”

Dr Maite Ibarretxe
Chief Operating Officer, EIT Climate-KIC
Associate Professor Innovation and Sustainable Businesses, UIBS and ITESO Jesuit University Mexico
Chair Examination Board at UIBS Business Schools
“The TTF initiatives to drive financial reform are at the heart of what is really needed for a new economic model. Their network of like-minded individuals, all committed to this common cause, is a really great place to be a part of.
The TTF Symposia are the pinnacle of it. This is because of the topicality and urgency of the topics discussed and the high quality, knowledge and experience of the speakers. They provide the new insights, stimulate the dialogue and fuel the creativity of the participants, making them more articulate when participating in working groups to put these ideas and insights into practice.”

Eric Lytra
Scam Victim
“I am a victim of a Ponzi style property fraud, that was assisted in its activities by a FCA regulated financial institution and bank. There is very little I can do about it. I have exhausted all means of presenting my case to those who we all think will help and be outraged by malfeasance in the financial sector that they are supposedly regulating/governing. I am therefore heartened and buoyed by what I heard and learnt at the meeting that took place in Parliament to launch the “Faces of Financial Crime” discussion paper.
This growing group of like minded people from diverse backgrounds are making headway in bringing to the attention of MP s and legislators, the significant issue of “turning a blind eye” to financial irregularities and those with fingers in the pie of fraudulent investments and scams that run through the financial sector of our country and go largely unchallenged. The heart breaking stories of people losing their life savings, even their lives because of the greed of others has to stop. I believe the mounting evidence and painstaking research within the TTF paper makes compelling arguments for change, towards a system we can trust, that serves rather than exploits society.