Nicole Martens

Martens Impact Advisory

I am passionate about sustainable development in general and about developing pragmatic and impactful strategies for Africa’s just transition to a low carbon economy in response to the climate emergency.

As a Development Economist, I have dedicated my career to the provision of strategic advisory services in the development space. I have worked with local and international clients across the public and private sector on the design and implementation of strategies aimed at achieving large-scale developmental impact. My work includes a special focus on the identification of innovative finance mechanisms for generating financial return and impact, specifically with reference to integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into investment processes i.e. responsible investment.

In recent years, my focus has been on identifying and addressing the needs of African investors with respect to integrating ESG into investment processes in an effort to foster the maximisation of long-term sustainable financial returns across the continent. I have specialised in the initiation and management of key stakeholder relationships and partnerships across the region, including those with investors as well as with policymakers and regulators, academic institutions and mission driven organisations.

My work has included the design and roll-out of initiatives to build capacity amongst investors and other organisations on ESG integration and responsible investment approaches – specifically, developing content for and then facilitating workshops, webinars and online learning tools.

I currently sit on a number of committees and working groups where I provide insight on international trends and developments with respect to responsible investment and represent the needs of African investors in this regard. These include:

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