Sean Coady
Sean has a reasonably diverse business operations and risk background, extending from law enforcement, retail, fin services, energy and consulting. He is a passionate life-long learner, who has met and learned from some exceptional people, and who tries to remember and share what they said. In recent times Sean, who writes in the third person, has been surprised to see how his specific mix of skills and experiences, which stretches across most business functions, is in demand and has helped organisations improve.
On the formal side, Sean holds degrees in Law and Arts, has been pushed by mentors into some rewarding roles, and only ever been sacked three times. Luckily that was a long time ago and most people seem to be happy enough to partner and share ideas which help bring a mix of qualitative and quantitative thinking to improve management systems, reduce cognitive bias in business decision making, improve organisational process and control agility, and help drive business resilience and opportunity.
Sean’s support for the TTF stems from years of investigating, highlighting, sometimes fixing, and generally desiring better behaviour from those who should work harder to ensure it happens.
Sean has an amazing wife (don’t we all), four kids, two kid partners, three cats and a resident grumpy Irish father – under one roof in Melbourne.