Becoming a Member of the Transparency Task Force

Why become a member of the Transparency Task Force?

TTF is a Certified Social Enterprise – we exist to make an impact, not to make a profit, but, whilst we don’t do our work for money, we do need money to do our work!

By supporting us through becoming a member, you are helping TTF to carry on the fight to fix what’s wrong with the financial services sector and its the regulatory framework. Our manifesto and our Annual Reports, detail the  worthwhile work being done to drive the positive, progressive and purposeful reform that’s so desperately needed.

Becoming a member supports this important and worthwhile cause.

Membership brings the value of being part of this unique, international community, along with these valuable benefits:

Member Benefits


Associate Member

Receive the Transparency Times, our weekly newsletter providing details of our events, news, and much, much more. Readership is over 5,000 people in 21 countries. Members can submit ‘Letters to the Editor’ and contribute Guest Blogs.

Unlimited attendance to  our informative, insightful and participative online symposia. We typically run several events a month. .

Our events are also often rather edgy; are not influenced by the commercial interests of financial sector sponsors, so can cover  topics that other organisations won’t  or cannot address. Because we believe that “sunlight is the best disinfectant”, our events “tell it as it is”, regardless of how many inconvenient truths are exposed.

Attendance at our online Book Club and Film Club events

Free attendance to in-person events,subject to venue capacity

Access to our library of previous event video recordings, found here: 2023, 2022, 2021,2020.

The opportunity to participate in (or lead) our groups and special campaign meetings

The potential to participate in our special campaign meetings

Engagement with the team by Email/Zoom/phone, to help deal with cases and issues that matter to you

Inclusion in our work on consultations, so that your views can be considered

The opportunity work on White Papers, Open Letters and campaigns to MPs

The potential to be invited to become an Ambassador of the TTF, or speak at our events.

The opportunity to feed into and influence our plans and priorities, and our Transparency Statements initiative

The potential to be involved with any future books that we might publish

The opportunity to be included in new Facebook and social media groups that we launch

The opportunity to write guest blogs that appear in the Transparency Times and on social media

The opportunity to be included in future Rallies for Better Financial Regulation

There are various payment options depending on particular circumstances, including, for example, concessionary rates for scam victims

Thanks for taking the time to read about becoming a member of the TTF; I do hope we can welcome you on board soon! 

Further information about the TTF

You can click on the button below to read about the 130+ Transparency Task Force Ambassadors. The list includes world class academics and highly respected thought leaders from right around the world.

Click here to see the TTF Ambassadors

Transparency Task Force Advisory Group

You can click on the button below to read about the Transparency Task Force Advisory Group, which is Chaired by the former Chair of the Financial Conduct Authority’s Financial Services Consumer Panel.

Click here to see the TTF Advisory Group

If you want to read testimonials…

If you haven’t been to one of our events before you can use the link below to read some testimonials:

Click here for Testimonials

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