Covid and the case for a Private Debt Jubilee

Online symposium using interactive Zoom.

Wednesday, November 25th from 6:00pm until 8:00pm, UK time

If you are ready to book your place, use the button below; 

Otherwise read on for further details…

Once your place is secured, you will be Emailed the details you need to access the event through Zoom.

For any queries please contact us.

Sponsorship opportunities available – please get in touch

Executive summary; scroll down for the programme

The idea of a Private Debt Jubilee is getting significant traction amongst many stakeholders – they see it is a prerequisite for any credible “build back better post Covid” strategy.

The Keynote Speaker is Professor Steve Keen – who is internationally recognised as a champion for the cause.  We find his rationale to be remarkably compelling.

He will be followed by Professor Michael Hudson and Professor Richard Wilkinson.

Like all our symposia, this is more than just another event – it’s a further step forward in galvanizing support for finance reform. We’re expecting some lively discussion amongst participants.

Scroll down for further info, speaker details and to make bookings

Who should participate?

This online event will be of particular interest to individuals and organisations that authentically align with the idea that the financial services sector is important and that there is scope for improvement in how it works.

You can expect to be amongst progressively minded and collaboratively minded people.

On the basis that “progress begins with realism” we’ll be running the event as a forum to enable everybody to “say it as they see it.” We will be facilitating the kind of candid yet constructive discussion that is needed to help move matters forward.

We don’t think any one person or organisation has all the answers; and we also think that all answers are worth listening to, so if you’ve got a point of view that you’d like to share, and are keen to hear the views of others, this is definitely an event for you.

This symposium will cover important topics that will be of particular interest to:

  • Economists
  • Asset Managers
  • Industry Observers, Commentators; the Media in General
  • Academics and researchers
  • Parliamentarians with an interest in the economy and market conduct
  • Members of the Bank of England
  • Members of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
  • Members of the Government Actuarial Department 
  • Bankers and representatives of Banking organisations
  • Risk Management Professionals
  • Financial Services Trade Bodies and Professional Associations
  • Think Tanks and Civil Society Groups with an interest in pensions and investment policymaking
  • Wealth managers and financial planners
  • Regulation and Compliance Professionals
  • Think Tanks and Civil Society Groups with an interest in the financial ecosystem
  • Industry Observers, Commentators; the Media in General
  • Policymakers
  • Politicians interested in the financial services sector


We will be using Zoom.

We will be structuring the event in such a way that it will be as engaging and as interactive as we can possibly make it. We’ll  be working hard to create as “life-like” an event as possible, with every opportunity taken to create interaction and engagement.

There will be several presentations with Q&A sessions and an open discussion and debate session towards the end.

Here’s the programme and timings, so far*

6:00pm GMT

Welcome to the symposium, introductions and initial exploration of the main issues; plus “Why we must rebuild trustworthiness and confidence in financial services; and how we can do it” by 

Andy Agathangelou FRSA

Founder, Transparency Task Force; Governor, Pensions Policy Institute; Chair of the Secretariat Committee to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Pension Scams; former Founding Chair, Friends of Automatic Enrolment; former Founding Chair, Association of Member Nominated Trustees

6:15pm GMT

Presentation #1, for 20 minutes + 10 minutes Q&A with facilitated discussion, by
Professor Steve Keen


Steve Keen  is an Australian economist and author.  

He was formerly an associate professor of economics  at the University at Western Sydney and Professor of Economics at Kingston University London.

He is both a critic of mainstream economics and a developer of a modern complex systems approach to economics and is best known for the book Debunking Economics.

He is now a Distinguished Research Fellow at UCL.

6:45pm GMT 

Presentation #2, for 10 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A with facilitated discussion, by

Michael Hudson

President , The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends (ISLET)
Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri

Michael Hudson is Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri (Kansas City), and former professor at Peking University.

He has written or edited over ten books on international finance, economic history and the history of economic thought,

His major books are Super Imperialism (1972), Killing the Host (2015) J is for Junk Economics, and most recently, “… and forgive them their debts,” which Martin Wolf of the  Financial Times cited as a book of the year for 2018.

7:00pm GMT

Short leg-stretch and comfort break, for 10 minutes

7:10pm GMT 

Presentation #3, for 10 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A with facilitated discussion, by

Richard Wilkinson

Professor Emeritus of Social Epidemiology, University of Nottingham Medical School
Co-author, The Spirit Level

Richard studied economic history and the philosophy of science at LSE before training in epidemiology. He is now Professor Emeritus of Social Epidemiology at the University of Nottingham Medical School, Honorary Professor at University College London and Visiting Professor at the University of York.

Since his initial research focussed on health inequalities, his books and research papers have drawn attention to the tendency for societies with bigger income differences between rich and poor to suffer a heavier burden of health and social problems.

Two of his books have been the subject of documentary films – The Great Leveller  (for the Channel 4 TV’s Equinox series broadcast in 1996) was based on his Unhealthy Societies.  The Divide (based on The Spirit Level) was  released in April 2016 (available on Netflix).  The Spirit Level, written with Kate Pickett is now in 24 languages.  It won the 2011 Political Studies Association Publication of the Year Award and the 2010 Bristol Festival of Ideas Prize. 

His TED talk ‘How economic inequality harms societies’ has been watched over 3 million times. 

Richard has received Solidar’s Silver Rose Award, the Irish Cancer Society’s Charles Cully Memorial medal, and was The Australian Society for Medical Research medallist in 2017. He and Kate Pickett published their latest book, called The Inner Level,  in June 2018

7:25pm GMT

The “Just a Minute” Round

Inspired by the BBC Radio 4 programme, we have asked a selection of our attendees to spend just a minute sharing their thoughts on what has been covered during the symposium. 

But unlike the Radio 4 programme our speakers won’t be penalised for hesitation, repetition or deviation!

Marie Storli

Manager, Rethinking Economics Norway

Ian Veitch

Self-employed, Helping organisations build better businesses

Dr Steve Hubbard

Serious Amateur Economist

Dr Shann Turnbull

Principal, International Institute for Self-governance

Annemarie Borg

Founder, Antara Project

7:30pm GMT

Open discussion & debate, 25 minutes

7:55pm GMT until 8:00pm GMT

Final conclusions; suggested next steps and close to the formal proceedings. 

However, for those that want it…

8:00pm GMT until 8:30pm GMT

…informal, unstructured networking and informal conversation; fireside chat” amongst friends as it were.

Please click below to book your place

Once your place is secured, you will be automatically Emailed the details you need to access the event through interactive Zoom – please be sure to enter your Email address correctly. 

For any queries please contact us.

Further information about the TTF

You can click on the button below to read about the 130+ Transparency Task Force Ambassadors. The list includes world class academics and highly respected thought leaders from right around the world.

Click here to see the TTF Ambassadors

Transparency Task Force Advisory Group

You can click on the button below to read about the Transparency Task Force Advisory Group, which is Chaired by the former Chair of the Financial Conduct Authority’s Financial Services Consumer Panel.

Click here to see the TTF Advisory Group

If you want to read testimonials…

If you haven’t been to one of our events before you can use the link below to read some testimonials:

Click here for Testimonials

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