This event has now taken place but you can watch the video recording of it through our Youtube Channel, get to it by clicking the button below
Tuesday, July 13th from 6pm to 8pm UK timeWhere
Online symposium via Zoom.Format
There'll be a great line-up of speakers plus ample scope for discussion and debate.Why you should attend
We don’t think there has ever been such a period of multi-directional change impacting the world of investment as is being experienced right now. It’s easy to think of this as a time of chaos and confusion, with so many competing interests and forces pulling and pushing the sector in many different directions, all at once. It’s a struggle to keep up.
As well as the long list of “normal” issues we also have the consequences of Covid, Brexit and the growing urgency around Net Zero to contend with.
The overall purpose of this symposium is to provide an opportunity for a wide range of stakeholders to share their thoughts and insights into what could and should be done to drive the positive, progressive and purposeful reform that is needed in the world of investment.
We have an enormously long list of topics we can dive into such as:
- Achieving good outcomes for investors through the value for money agenda, with ongoing developments in the costs and charges arena
- Achieving good outcomes for all stakeholders, including our planet, with topics such as
- ESG investing
- The lack of “what’s under the bonnet?” detail on the funds available
- Data reporting on ESG – how much is enough?
- Transparency around sustainable investment strategies
- The EU taxonomy
- The new Corporate Sustainable Finance Reporting for firms > 500 people
- Defending against greenwashing
- How does the sector avoid bamboozling investors who want to invest in better environmental outcomes, but who are foxed by the various ESG standards and cannot work out what is actually worth having. Is this going to put them off investing or worse still, is it a potential mis-selling scandal?
- The rise of Impact Investing as the next evolution from Sustainable Investing
- The expansion of investor responsibility to include incorporation of sustainability and transition to low carbon economies in investment strategies as part of fiduciary duty
- Are ESG Initiatives truly sustainable or hostages to market volatility?
- ESG investing
- Consumer protection matters
- Whether “The porosity of the Regulatory Perimeter is a Charter for Scammers”
- Whether the FCA is fit for purpose; and if not what should be done about it
- Investor due diligence; what should it look like?
- Investment scandals such as the Woodford saga; and Sharesoc’s campaign about it
- UK Financial Services regulation post Brexit
- How the Financial Services Compensation Scheme should be funded moving forward
- The Special Administration Regime
- The FCA Register; does it need overhauling, if so, how?
- Issues for advices firms and wealth managers
- How are they adapting their processes in relation to the increased interest in ESG?
- How should advice firms differentiate their investment solutions for drawdown retirees, aligning cashflow modellers to investment risks so that volatility and longevity risks can be better managed?
- Corporate governance in the world of investment
- How can we best avoid a repeat of cases like Greensill Capital and Archegos
- What’s caused the regulatory failure in this space?
- Illiquids – issues around returns and performance fees
- Issues with opacity around insurance investments and savings annuity products
- What impact are Crypto, Digital Assets and Tokenisation having on the world of investing?
- Index investing:
- Reconciling the demand for index-based investment solutions with the problems of fiduciary responsibility
- The drive towards ever more customisation in indices due to ESG etc – how to restructure the industry to be able to deliver custom solutions to all investors.
- How the industry should respond to an increasing focus on regulation of indices – primarily the SEC’s increasing activism in this area following the S&P $9m penalty
- What risks does index investing entail for market liquidity? The corollary of that being: Is there a future for value investing?
- The incentive structures in asset management: are AUM and performance based fees the best we can do; and how does this encourage sustainable/impact investing?
- The need for common data standards in fund management
- What scope is there in the market for simple, non-toxic products?
- The battle for transparency in the ongoing scandals around US Public Pension schemes
That’s a long list of talking points, please be sure to book your place to be part of the conversation.
Here's the programme and timings so far...
—————————————-6:00pm BST—————————————-
Welcome to the symposium, introductions and initial exploration of the main issues; by
Andy Agathangelou
Founder, Transparency Task Force; Governor, Pensions Policy Institute; Chair, Secretariat Committee, APPG on Pension Scams; Chair, Secretariat Committee, APPG on Personal Banking and Fairer Financial Services; Chair of the Violation Tracker UK Advisory Board
—————————————-6:10pm BST—————————————-
Presentation #1, for 10 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A/Discussion by
Jeff Houston
Head of Pensions, Local Government Association
—————————————-6:25pm BST—————————————-
Presentation #2, for 10 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A/Discussion by
Chris Sier
Executive Chairman, ClearGlass
—————————————-6:40pm BST—————————————-
Presentation #3, for 10 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A/Discussion by
Mark Northway
Investment Manager, Sparrows Capital Limited
—————————————-6:55pm BST—————————————-
Presentation #4, for 10 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A/Discussion by
Charlotte O’Leary
CEO, Pensions for Purpose
—————————————-7:10pm BST—————————————-
Presentation #5, for 6 minutes by
Martin White
Board Member, UK Shareholders Association
—————————————-7:16pm BST—————————————-
The “Just a minute”-round
Inspired by the BBC Radio 4 programme, we have asked a selection of our attendees to spend just a minute sharing their thoughts on what has been covered during the symposium. But unlike the Radio 4 programme our speakers won’t be penalised for hesitation, repetition or deviation!
Dan Brocklebank
Head of UK, Orbis Investment
Robert Dellner
Managing Partner, I3 Partners Ltd
—————————————-7:30pm BST—————————————-
General discussion and debate, 25 minutes
—————————————-7:55pm BST—————————————-
Final conclusions; and suggested next steps and close to the formal proceedings.
*The programme will continuously evolve so is subject to change.
Jeff Houston
Head of Pensions, Local Government Association
Jeff has over 35 years’ experience in public sector pensions starting his career in Liverpool before moving to London where he held a variety of posts with Local Government Pension Scheme administering authorities.
In 2011 Jeff took on the role of Head of Pensions at the Local Government Association where he is responsible for the development of national and European policy for public service pensions in particular the funded Local Government and the unfunded Teachers, Firefighters and Police schemes. He is Secretary to the Local Government Pension Scheme Advisory Board, sits on the LGA’s Local Government Pensions Committee and is a member of the CEEP European Social Protection Taskforce.
Jeff sits on several national bodies including the board of the Cost Transparency Initiative (CTI), the Pension Regulator’s Public Service Pensions Forum and CIPFA’s Pensions Panel. He is a regular conference speaker and chair.
Chris Sier
Executive Chairman, ClearClass
BIO to follow
Mark Northway
Investment Manager, Sparrows Capital Limited
Mark is chair of ShareSoc, the UK Individual Shareholders Society, and chair of WFIC, the World Federation of Investors. He also works with Sparrows Capital, an evidence-based asset manager. Mark has wide ranging managerial and governance experience across credit, fixed income, equity and treasury markets. His knowledge spans multiple disciplines including marketing, trading, investment and the management of complex financial and regulatory risk.
Mark has previously worked for LBBW, Rabobank and Standard Chartered Bank. He holds a BA, an MBA and the IMC.
Charlotte O’Leary
CEO, Pensions for Purpose
Charlotte is the CEO and an executive director of Pensions for Purpose. In her role, Charlotte oversees the running of the business, develops the growth and innovation strategy and looks for opportunities to build partnerships to achieve Pensions for Purpose’s mission. Charlotte is also a member of the Impact Investing Institute’s Pensions Expert Panel, an ambassador for the Transparency Taskforce and a founder of 10 Billion World, an end-to-end sustainability project management business aimed at businesses and organisations setting net zero and carbon reduction targets.
Charlotte has over 15 years of professional experience in asset management, starting in fund analysis and progressing through to institutional business development. Charlotte has worked for some very well-known institutions, including Jupiter, Pictet and Cambridge Associates. Through her roles, Charlotte has built a knowledge and passion for responsible and sustainable investing. She has demonstrated this in co-authoring a paper with the Society for Pension Professionals on Social Impact Investing and speaking on topics such as fee and service transparency at PLSA and Transparency Taskforce events. Charlotte played a key role in developing the Impact Investing Institute’s Impact Investing Principles for Pensions and led the launch of the Impact Investing Adopters Forum.
Outside of work Charlotte is a mother to two children, a fitness and running enthusiast, a volunteer with Redstart (a charity working to educate children on savings and investments) and always looking for ways to improve her own social and environmental impact.
Martin White BSc, FIA
After studying electrical engineering at university, Martin decided to become an actuary. He started work at a life insurance and savings company, followed by a consulting actuarial firm advising on final salary pensions (yes, it was some time ago). Then he finally moved into general insurance, being the first actuary to be employed on by the Corporation of Lloyd’s. An active contributor to the research work of the actuarial profession, and a former chairman of the London Market Actuaries Group.
In 1992 Martin spotted a letter in the FT about a small new working group of private investors. He contacted and joined the working group which subsequently became the UK Shareholders’ Association. His experience within the financial sector has taught him what a bad deal individual savers get, unless they are particularly well informed and know how to avoid or minimise expenses and charges – a message which it suits the financial sector to suppress. Telling the truth about this is one of two passions relevant to today’s discussions. The other is the lack of real pressure on company managements to act in the long term interest of their underlying owners, which also has adverse consequences for their employees.
Financial Education Made Easy – Investing is Simple
Savers Take Control – UKSA
An idea for long term incentives – the Active Management