This event has now taken place but you can watch the video recording of it through our Youtube Channel, get to it by clicking the button below
Thursday, April 15th from 6pm to 8pm UK timeWhere
Online symposium via Zoom.Format
There'll be a great line-up of speakers plus ample scope for discussion and debate.Some attendees’ testimonies…
“The banks were complicit in the events leading to and causing the GFC. We need evidence.”
“Fraud is at the heart of it and total ruthlessness and depravity!”
“RBS harassed my dying husband and our family, stole our home and put our family in the street penniless whilst declaring in an affidavit that they could not prove the alleged debt”
“RBS GRG is the nightmare of so many SMEs”
“Why is it so hard to get regulators to regulate on these major scandals?”
Why you should attend
London is “at the heart of global financial corruption” and we want to know the role RBS has had in crashing the economy and causing crippling austerity for millions of people in the UK.
RBS has a great deal to answer for.
Whilst most people are aware of the £45Billlion that UK taxpayers paid to bail out RBS, most people are unaware that at the height of the financial crisis the UK taxpayers support of banks equated to a liability of £1.4Trillion. In fact, there are even some estimates that the real, total long-term effect to the UK economy is well over £3Trillion, hence all the austerity measures that have been taken, characterised by the long-term reductions in funding for services like the NHS and social care. It is a shameful fact that whilst some nurses and police officers have had to resort to food banks to get by, many of the bankers who caused the carnage in the first place continue to enjoy enormous bonuses.
We’re not anti-capitalist; far from it, but we do believe that money should only be earned ethically.
The CEO of RBS, still a state-owned bank earned over £5M in 2019. Some investment bankers and traders, at banks and in the City of London can earn salaries in the tens of millions. Yet the cost of economic crime in the UK is reckoned to be around £55Billion annually. To put that into context it could pay all the NHS staff’s hard-earned wages annually.
And much of this economic crime relates to money laundering through the City Banks, whilst on the watch of the Financial Conduct Authority; the very same Financial Conduct Authority that has, for reasons we struggle to understand, seemed rather reluctant to use the powers given to it by Parliament to actively enforce against misconduct through the Senior Managers Certification Regime.
It’s amazing to think that over 5 years after the Senior Managers Certification Regime was created, it hasn’t resulted in even a single enforcement action. Note that the Financial Conduct Authority’s Press Office have claimed that there has been 1 enforcement, in the case of Jes Staley (CEO of Barclays, for his grotesque handling of a whistleblower situation) but this was actually enforced under the existing Code of Conduct Rules and not under the Senior Managers Certification Regime. One is forced to wonder, therefore, whether the FCA’s reporting was false; and even more importantly why the Senior Managers Certification Regime, the central regulatory response to the catastrophic regulatory failures that enabled the Global Financial Crisis has been made impotent by the financial conduct regulator.
Questions, questions, questions. We’ll keep asking them until we get answers that stack up.
Either there has been no financial malfeasance by senior managers worthy of enforcement action over a more than 5 year period or, the Financial Conduct Authority as a conduct regulator and enforcement body is not fit for purpose. Indeed, former Bank of England Governor Mark Carney in his 2nd December 2020 Reith Memorial Lecture made the point that the single biggest learning point and advance in regulation post the Global Financial Crisis was the imposition of the Senior Managers Certification Regime. Yet it doesn’t seem to have actually been used.
Of course, all of this does not just represent a financial problem. For example, it is widely reported that due to the asset-stripping conduct of RBS-owned Ulster Bank, there have been hundreds and hundreds of builders and property developers who have committed suicide.
It is our firm belief that the kind of bad banker behaviour that has wreaked havoc right around the world and caused serious, long-term financial and personal economic harm to millions, both directly and through austerity measures, will not stop until the senior banking officials responsible are held to account.
Recidivism, i.e. repeated wrong-doing, is a known trait within the financial services and banking sector. If you want to see hard evidence for that claim, take a look at the data here and ask yourself whether the evidence suggests that not only is the banking sector riddled with recidivists but also that the fines imposed are simply seen as “a cost of doing business.”
In short, we are convinced that the data is telling us that there is something seriously wrong in the financial services sector, particularly banking. We believe that the world’s economies and the wellbeing of society will continue to be at risk until there is real, meaningful change. The fact is that no senior banker has been convicted of criminal behaviour in the UK despite their roles in almost destroying the economy and creating over 10 years of hardship for many.
Bankers will never be brought to account however, until persons with integrity within the banking industry are able to speak up about the crimes they have witnessed with impunity. It is a sad fact that many significant whistle-blowers in recent years have faced years of bullying and harassment, been hounded out of their jobs, faced debilitating mental illness due to their treatment and many face or have undergone financial ruin, for having the courage and integrity to tell the truth.
This is a particularly important Transparency Task Force symposium. We’re going to delve right into the heart of the problem; a problem summed up so well by Roberto Saviano, the courageous anti-mafia journalist who famously said “London is the heart of global financial corruption.”
And we’re going to be doing this by focusing on a particularly important matter; the RBS scandal, as seen by Mark Wright. Mark worked for Natwest/RBS for 25 years. He was successful and enjoyed his job but he made the “fatal mistake” in Whistle-Blowing the wrong subject to Senior Executives in the Public’s interest. Mark has been living with the consequences of doing the right thing ever since.
Now, Mark is fighting back, bravely. He is campaigning to run a Judicial Review; please be sure to read about Mark’s campaign before attending the symposium, read about it here.
TTF is supporting this brave underdog, in the firm belief that a victory would be one of the greatest comebacks of all time in one of most important “battles for the truth” in UK financial services history.
For boxing fans, think Ali v Foreman, Zaire, October 30th 1974. “The bell to start round 8” is going to be rung at our symposium. That’s when, hopefully, what must be one of the greatest comebacks in UK financial services in the battle for truth and justice is going to begin.
Be sure to “book your ringside seat” …and be cheering for “the little guy in the right, Mr Mark Wright.”
Whether he wins or loses, Mark already has TTF’s utmost respect for having the guts to “get in the ring” and face a monstrous opponent that’s going to do all it can to destroy him. Remember, his only “crime” was to “stand up and not stand by;” and to speak truth to power.
Please join us in backing Mark Wright all the way. His case could have a positive ripple-effect into many areas where the financial sector is letting society down.
Here's the programme and timings so far...
—————————————-6:00pm BST—————————————-
Welcome to the symposium, introductions and initial exploration of the main issues; by
Andy Agathangelou
Founder, Transparency Task Force; Governor, Pensions Policy Institute; Chair, Secretariat Committee, APPG on Pension Scams; Chair, Secretariat Committee, APPG on Personal Banking and Fairer Financial Services
—————————————-6:15pm BST—————————————-
Presentation #1, for 35 minutes + 10 minutes discussion/Q&A
Steve Middleton
Bank Confidential
Clive May
Director, Briar Grove Developments Ltd
Chris Gordon
Sales at Orianna Investments Ltd, Armstrong Gordon
Mark Wright
Bank Confidential
—————————————-7:00pm BST—————————————-
Presentation #2, for 10 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A/Discussion by
Ian Fraser
Author, Journalist, Broadcaster
—————————————-7:15pm BST—————————————-
Presentation #3, for 10 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A/Discussion by
Paul Carlier
FX & Financial Markets & Banking Consultant
—————————————-7:30pm BST—————————————-
The “Just a minute”-round
Inspired by the BBC Radio 4 programme, we have asked a selection of our attendees to spend just a minute sharing their thoughts on what has been covered during the symposium. But unlike the Radio 4 programme our speakers won’t be penalised for hesitation, repetition or deviation!
Craig Beevers
Andrew Candy
Director, Tentacle Ltd
Stuart Woollard
Partner, OMS LLP
—————————————-7:35pm BST—————————————-
General discussion and Q&A, 20 minutes
—————————————-7:55pm BST—————————————-
Final conclusions; and suggested next steps and close to the formal proceedings.
However, for those that want it…
8:00pm BST until 108:30pm BST
….informal, unstructured networking and informal conversation; a “fireside chat”
*The programme will continuously evolve so is subject to change.
Mark Wright
Director, BankConfidential
Mark Wright’s story is the archetypical example of what happens when you whistleblow without expert support, and how a bank will destroy your career, financial security and personal life if you speak up.
Mark worked for the NatWest/RBS group for 25 years working in various roles. He whistleblew that an RBS Director committed deliberate Market Abuse over the bank’s financial strength in 2008 when in-fact the RBS Group was insolvent obtaining covert loans of 10’s of billions from the Bank of England.
At the time he whistleblew the share price crashed 90% over a 4 month period. This was career ending for Mark as he tried tirelessly to expose this wrongdoing to help obtain justice for staff and shareholders who lost their lives work, this is still being covered up to this day as recently reported in the media involving BankConfidentials lead Patron Sir Norman Lamb who accused the Financial Conduct Authority of defamation.
Mark went on to co-found BankConfidential with Steve Middleon, who acts as chief adviser. Together they work with whistleblowers who want to expose the most serious of bank malpractices as well as whistleblowers that come forward to assist in helping victims obtain redress.
Since launching BankConfidential, a not for profit community interest company, they have exposed via the media signature forgery, file falsification, hidden credit lines. Most recently Mark gave a sworn witness statement that RBS fabricated court documents used in the case of Broomhead vs RBS to a £14 million claim.
Steve Middleton
Consultant, BankConfidential
Steve Middleton is a financial adviser who spent 25 years specialising in the high net worth, corporate markets and commercial finance for property development. When the Financial crisis started in 2007 and Banks took aggressive stances against customers, he worked successfully to save many companies from administration and insolvency particularly with the RBS Global Restructuring Group (GRG) by combining knowledge of the Financial Service Authority’s (FSA) Rules along with unique complaints processes. In 2014 he repeatedly reported the malpractices of the Banks in relation to Interest Rate Hedging Products (IRHP) and the illicit use of undeclared credit lines to the FCA Executive, highlighting the fact that the FCA’s IRHP Review process design was not compliant with their own Rules and that this was costing SME’s in the UK Billions in financial redress.
Steve went on to work with law firms, Chambers and claims firms advising them on the application of the FCA’s Rules and statutory rights, helping SME’s recover tens of Millions in redress and was a founder member of the not for profit support organisation for small businesses the SME Alliance in 2014.
Realising the gap for technical support for whistle-blowers like Mark Wright and himself, he went on to work with Mark to set up BankConfidential, a not for profit support service for bank whistle-blowers. BankConfidential’s collaboration with whistle-blowers and journalists have led to numerous disclosure’s in the press including articles and programmes on the BBC, in the Times, Independent, Mail on Sunday, Thompson Reuters, Mail on Sunday Scotland etc. with expose’s such as signature forgery training at RBS, credit file fabrication in bank court disclosure, undisclosed credit lines leading to SME’s insolvency, financial reviews being rigged to withhold consumer redress, regulatory cover up of Market Abuse and how the intentional distressing of bank customers had led to illicit profits for the banks.
Chris Gordon
Sales at Orianna Investments Ltd, Armstrong Gordon
Chris is an estate agent on the North coast of Northern Ireland . He built properties and used Ulster bank as his main project funder between 2003 and 2011. He also held a number of friendships with directors and staff in the Ulster bank.
In 2011 it became clear to Chris that he was being deceived by the bank in relation to loans that he was sold really being swaps and also that the bank were guiding him through a hidden plan to make him and his companies insolvent.
On the 24th May 2012 Chris complained in a formal matter to the bank. The bank responded that they would reply to his complaint by the 19th June 2012 . On the night before Chris was to receive a response to his complaint the RBS computers across the UK went down due to a failed software patch being applied by RBS’s software providers CA tech. This lasted until the Ulster bank system was brought online again on the 3rd August 2012.
Chris still has screenshots of the pre glitch RBS system that proves the bank had opened accounts with hard debt in his name which was not authorised or known to him and countless others to this day (2021).
Chris alleges that due to the concealment and deceit of the FCA with a false report into the matter this led to the customers of Ulster Bank in Ireland north and south not being placed into any FCA IRHP review as well as false GRG reports being issued by the FCA in regards to Rbs’s Irish customers .Chris alleges he now has the evidence all Irish customers were actually placed in the Rbs non core section no later than 31st December 2008. Chris alleges further that as he gets near a court with the actual evidence of what happened in 2012 Nat west took a decision to close Ulster Bank limited alongside the FCA delaying its review into the FCA IRHP review which was due to be published in September 2020.
Clive May
Director, Briar Grove Developments Ltd
Clive trained as a bricklayer spent his early years building & riding custom motorcycles – something he still does today! Harley Davison’s are a particular passion
He is a director of a brickwork contracting business. Having left school early, & gladly, with no qualifications he built a business employing over 100. The actions of RBS set about a string of events still being felt today. His values are honesty & integrity amongst other things something that’s missing in the banking world it appears!
The banks actions led to his previous company’s demise which although he has started again it’s a shadow of its former self…….how do you get back 10 years of fighting deceit? He’s had had various bust ups in the press with RBS, the FCA & Clifford Chance featured in the Times, The FT, BBC News to name but a few.
The old saying “when in a deep hole stop digging” seems to be something RBS keep a big shovel for as they do like their big holes !
Ian Fraser
Author, Journalist, Broadcaster
Ian Fraser started his career as a journalist in 1989. He has worked in editorial roles for Haymarket Publishing’s Campaign Magazine, EuroBusiness, Director, the Sunday Herald and The Sunday Times. He has freelanced for titles including the Financial Times, the Observer and the Economist. He was consulting editor on Bloomsbury Publishing’s QFinance.
He has worked on numerous BBC documentaries about banking and finance, including Inside RBS, The Bank That Ran Out of Money, a one-hour film which was shortlisted for a Bafta.
His investigative work on Lloyds/HBOS culminated in two HBOS bankers and four consultants being sentenced to lengthy jail terms. Ian’s book Shredded: Inside RBS, the Bank That Broke Britain, was named as book of the year by Bloomberg, The Week and Huffington Post and longlisted for the FT Business Book of the Year award. A fully revised and updated edition of Shredded was published by Birlinn in May 2019, and Ian is currently working with a production company to turn the book into a multi-episode drama. He has an MA from the University of St Andrews and has taught at Stirling University on its MSc in Financial Journalism. He is married, has three children and lives in Scotland.
He is on Twitter as @ian_fraser.
Paul Carlier
FX, Financial Markets & Banking Consultancy
Paul worked as a trader for many of the world’s largest banks between 1987 and 2015, including Citibank, Chemical Bank, Lehman Brothers, Natwest, SBC, UBS (twice) and Lloyds Bank. He blew the whistle on significant wrongdoing whilst at UBS in 2011 and during his two year employment with Lloyds paying the price with his job on both occasions.
Since winning unfair dismissal against Lloyds at the Employment Tribunal, Paul has devoted his time to establishing businesses and highly skilled & experienced teams that provide litigation support services to law firms and businesses involved in large bank or financial markets litigation, helping expose flaws & disturbing failings within the whistleblower ‘process’ in the UK, and helping victims on a pro-bono basis that have been failed by their bank, the FCA and/or the Financial Ombudsman Service.
“I am fortunate to be able to work daily with so many highly experienced and like-minded associates, and to have helped secure over $5bio in settlements for claimants across the globe in multiple asset classes. However, it’s the £3.5mio in compensation that I have helped secure for over 500 victims on various complaints, on a pro bono basis, that is most satisfying.”