This event has now taken place but you can watch the video recording of it through our Youtube Channel, get to it by clicking the button below
Thursday, June 24th from 6pm to 8pm UK timeWhere
Online symposium via Zoom.Format
There'll be a great line-up of speakers plus ample scope for discussion and debate.Why you should attend
We believe that there is a mountain of evidence suggesting that the insolvency rules are being weaponized, enabling a highly lucrative scam that is enriching the few, at the expense of the many.
We want to shine a bright light on this issue, in the firm belief that “sunlight is the best disinfectant” and in the hope that by doing so we can help to drive the positive, progressive and purposeful reform that is so desperately needed.
We believe that the evidence suggests that this scam is being perpetrated by white collar “professionals” who target wealthy, SOLVENT people and seek to take control over their assets by fabricating a bankruptcy.
Weaponizing the insolvency rules creates a system whereby the bankrupt is “padlocked” into a state of helplessness and inaction, paralysed by the insolvency process and unable to defend their interests. As a consequence they are unable to get recourse through the Courts and can only watch the systematic stripping of assets from their personal estates. Investigation, analysis and reports about this issue have shed some light on the disgraceful and abhorrent behaviour of some insolvency practitioners, solicitors, barristers, accountants and Judges; but the truth could be even worse than that.
Perhaps what we know is just the tip of the iceberg!
There are many angry and disappointed victims yearning for justice. They speak of how their lives have been ruined and their personal wealth obliterated.
Personal bankruptcy of individuals by financial institutions has become common practice because it is easy to carry out, requires minimal grounds, is highly profitable, impossible to fight and victims are no match for their persecutors.
In its simplest guise, the scam works whereby the insolvency laws enable a creditor to apply to the court to have a debtor placed in compulsory liquidation if they cannot repay the money owed. Loans have small print that typically enables them to be withdrawn given notice—usually just 30 days. Arranging new loan facilities within such a timeframe when the lender has put a black mark against the borrower, available to the finance industry, is a sure-fire way to ensure no one else will cover the debt.
The insolvency industry has no conscience regarding fulfilling orders of the court and requiring “officers of the court” (insolvency practitioners, lawyers and judges) to follow due process. It is never “personal”, only business, in the eyes of the law and regulators.
Extenuating circumstances, vulnerability, ignorance of laws etc. are no defence, with claims such as these being made by the perpetrators:
- “You knew what you were doing when you borrowed the money and the circumstances under which it was to be repaid.”
- “We are fully entitled to safeguard our loans as long as we follow regulations”.
Many people believe that the UK is a country that always protects members of the establishment before members of the public. There is no constitution, bill of human rights or right to an adequate defence for those seen to have means. There is no political appetite or votes in helping them; and there certainly isn’t a culture of believing that banks have a duty of care to their clients and customers.
This is reinforced by the reality that there are no agencies to obtain support. Neither the police, the FCA, the Insolvency Service, the SFO or National Crime Agency, SRA or any other body that could help, has a requirement to do so. It is seen only as a civil matter for which legal representation is the only answer.
How to change a system that has been developed over hundreds of years requires political awareness and intervention. It is especially difficult if the victims are seen as having the resources and capabilities “ordinary” people lack.
The question is this:
“What will make a systemic difference moving forward?”
Perhaps the answer is something that amounts to a collective class action against all the bad actors involved in the widespread frauds that are taking place.
This is going to be an insightful and hard-hitting event designed to help bring the truth to the surface; a truth that is so abhorrent it’s difficult to believe that it could be happening in the UK.
Here's the programme and timings so far...
—————————————-6:00pm BST—————————————-
Welcome to the symposium, introductions and initial exploration of the main issues; by
Andy Agathangelou
Founder, Transparency Task Force; Governor, Pensions Policy Institute; Chair, Secretariat Committee, APPG on Pension Scams; Chair, Secretariat Committee, APPG on Personal Banking and Fairer Financial Services; Chair of the Violation Tracker UK Advisory Board
—————————————-6:15pm BST—————————————-
Presentation #1, for 15 minutes by
Michelle Young
Founder of The Great Insolvency Scam forum
—————————————-6:30pm BST—————————————-
Presentation #2, for 5 minutes by
Anthony Stansfeld
Retired Policy and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley
—————————————-6:35pm BST—————————————-
Presentation #3, for 20 minutes by
Ian Fraser
Author, Journalist, Broadcaster
Emily Buchanan
Freelance journalist & researcher
—————————————-6:55pm BST—————————————-
Presentation #4, for 10 minutes by
Steven Bernstein
US Attorney
—————————————-7:05pm BST—————————————-
Presentation #5, for 10 minutes by
Michael Ough
Retired ex-policeman
—————————————-7:15pm BST—————————————-
Presentation #6 for 10 minutes by
Anthony Badaloo
Owner, Church Hill Finance
—————————————-7:25pm BST—————————————-
Presentation #7, for 10 minutes by
David Fabb
Successful businessman who was unlawfully targeted and made bankrupt
—————————————-7:35pm BST—————————————-
Presentation #8, for 10 minutes by
Jess Panesar
Financial professional who was unlawfully made bankrupt
—————————————-7:45pm BST—————————————-
The “Just a minute”-round
Inspired by the BBC Radio 4 programme, we have asked a selection of our attendees to spend just a minute sharing their thoughts on what has been covered during the symposium. But unlike the Radio 4 programme our speakers won’t be penalised for hesitation, repetition or deviation!
Pauline Creasey
Chair, Premier FX Liquidation Committee
Peter O’Donnell
Director, New South Law
Mike Lloyd
Director, Sarumdale
—————————————-7:50pm BST—————————————-
Final conclusions; and suggested next steps and close to the formal proceedings.
*The programme will continuously evolve so is subject to change.
Michelle Young
Founder of the Great Insolvency Scam forum
Michelle was born into the world of business. A visionary and entrepreneur with an eye for details and a flair for anticipating trends before they occur.
A very shrewd businesswoooman in her own right, Michelle ran a successful fashion business and on meeting her late husband Scot, in 1988, went on to run other successful ventures.
In 2007, Michelle’s marriage to Scot started to show signs that things were not right. This culminated in divorce proceedings, with Michelle winning each and every application she made on the merits of the arguments she put before the High Court, in London.
In 2010, Scot engineered his own bankruptcy. Enter David Ingram of Grant Thornton who was allegedly appointed by HMRC as Scot’s Trustee in Bankruptcy.
In 2013, Michelle won a significant judgment in her favour, at the High Court, in London, requiring Scot to pay £26.6 million plus 50% of the matrimonial estate, estimated to be worth somewhere in the region of £4 billion.
On 8 December 2014, within a year of the divorce settlement being handed down by the High Court, in London, Scot was found dead in circumstances which, although claimed to be an accident, at the time, were more in keeping with a finding of unlawful killing than suicide.
In July 2015, David Ingram of Grant Thornton unlawfully bankrupted Michelle, appointing Paul Allen of FRP Advisory as her purported Trustee in Bankruptcy.
During their marriage, Michelle and Scot were very successful in the hi-tech industries and had a portfolio of high net worth properties.
Michelle starter her now extensive investigations into the machinations and fraud in the Family and Insolvency Courts, covering a 15-year period in culminating in the setting up of The Great Insolvency Scam campaign and website.
Anthony Stansfeld
Retired Police & Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley
Anthony was elected as Police and Crime Commissioner on 16th November 2012 and stepped down earlier this year.
He was born in Newbury and West Berks has been his home all his life. He is currently a member of West Berks Council, and was a member of the Thames Valley Police Authority for several years before taking over as Chairman of the Performance Committee in 2011.
He has had a career in both the military and in industry. He enlisted in the Army at 17 and joined the Royal Green Jackets where he saw active service in Borneo and Northern Ireland. He learnt to fly helicopters at Middle Wallop and commanded various Army Air Corps Squadrons, including the Army helicopters in the Falkland Islands in the latter half of 1982.
He spent 2 years as Chief of Staff Intelligence in the Far East. On leaving the Army he was Marketing Director, and then, for 6 years, Managing Director of the aircraft company Pilatus Britten Norman, which had aircraft in over 100 countries. At the same time he commanded the Army reserve helicopters as a TA officer.
While in the Army he spent 4 months carrying out the reconnaissance for the crossing of the Darien Gap in Panama and Columbia, and led the first stage of Operation Raleigh, taking young people through the jungles of Honduras and Belize. He was, for 8 years, a trustee of the Thames Valley Air Ambulance.
He has an M.Sc and studied international terrorism and global security in depth at university.
Ian Fraser
Author, Journalist, Broadcaster
Ian Fraser started his career as a journalist in 1989. He has worked in editorial roles for Haymarket Publishing’s Campaign Magazine, EuroBusiness, Director, the Sunday Herald and The Sunday Times. He has freelanced for titles including the Financial Times, the Observer and the Economist. He was consulting editor on Bloomsbury Publishing’s QFinance.
He has worked on numerous BBC documentaries about banking and finance, including Inside RBS, The Bank That Ran Out of Money, a one-hour film which was shortlisted for a Bafta.
His investigative work on Lloyds/HBOS culminated in two HBOS bankers and four consultants being sentenced to lengthy jail terms. Ian’s book Shredded: Inside RBS, the Bank That Broke Britain, was named as book of the year by Bloomberg, The Week and Huffington Post and longlisted for the FT Business Book of the Year award. A fully revised and updated edition of Shredded was published by Birlinn in May 2019, and Ian is currently working with a production company to turn the book into a multi-episode drama. He has an MA from the University of St Andrews and has taught at Stirling University on its MSc in Financial Journalism. He is married, has three children and lives in Scotland.
He is on Twitter as @ian_fraser.
Emily Buchanan
Freelance journalist & researcher
Emily has over thirty years broadcasting experience as a BBC correspondent, producer and presenter. Currently she is a regular presenter on BBC Radio 4’s religion and ethics programme, ‘Sunday’. As a correspondent she specialised in world affairs, international development and religion, winning awards and nominations for her investigations of female infanticide in India, ‘social cleansing’ in Colombia, violence against women during the war in Kosovo, and many other human rights issues.
She reported for BBC 2’s Assignment, Newsnight and Correspondent covering stories across Africa, South America and the former Soviet Union. Later as religious affairs correspondent she worked on major news stories linked to different faiths both in the UK and abroad.
After a career covering some of the horrors of the world, she was dismayed to find that back in the UK there were many people suffering long term trauma, not from war or conflict, but from becoming entangled in the financial and legal system. So her interest in financial ethics stems from a humanitarian perspective. She feels it is important to shine a light into obscure corners, such as the insolvency process, in order to improve governance and ultimately protect the public.
Steven Bernstein
US Attorney
BIO to follow
Michael Ough
Retired ex-policeman
Michael was born into a world of public service. His mother was a civil servant with the British Government, dealing with social security and employment matters, and his father was a Cornish-trained carpenter and joiner who was involved in the reconstruction of Plymouth City Centre in the aftermath of World War 2, and who then went on to work for Plymouth City Council in Property Maintenance and Construction.
During his teenage years Michael developed a keen interest in law which lead to him joining the Metropolitan Police at 18 years, serving as a beat bobby in Victoria, Central London. However, Michael quickly realised London was not the place he should be and left to join the Ministry of Defence Policy, with whom he served, in uniform and plain clothes roles until December 1987 when a knee injury he sustained on duty brought his police career to a close.
Between 1992 and 1997, Michael worked with adults and children with life-limiting conditions, in a voluntary role.
In 2002, Michael took up a line management post in community transport which he held until 2011 when his health forced him to retire from that role.
Since retiring from community transport, Michael has filled his time advising people on legal matters and acting as a webmaster for “The Great Insolvency Scam” website.
Anthony Badaloo
Owner, Church Hill Finance
Born and bred in in a farming environment in Bob Marly’s Jamaica, of Indian extraction, Anthony had a strong calling, to be an entrepreneur and justice campaigner, inspired by Mandela and Gandhi.
After dipping his toes in the IT waters as a programmer, he found great congruence as a Financial Adviser with Zurich, and travelled the world on corporate hospitality. Winning many awards, for both work and community ventures.
Having earned a six figure sum in Share Options, Ricky Oakey, a director of Zurich, refused to pay up, based on a false allegation, even though, he won the case in an FCA tribunal chaired by the head of the Law Society.
Eventually he established he own firm, Church Hill Finance, where he expanded into Accountancy, and increased Assets under influence to circa £300,000,000, with recurring fees.
Having established a solid financial foundation, he increased his charitable activities, and drafted a book titled The Balance Sheet of Life, with support from the CII. Sharing his experience, of Human Capital as an important form of wealth, not reflected on the Accounting balance sheet.
Ironically, he fell out with his bank, Kleinwort Benson (Channel Islands) Ltd, (Kleinwort Hambros), upon their refusal, to supply the balance sheet and ledger, where he believed he cleared his mortgage, and is owed significantly on a currency account. And that his name and identity was being used in money laundering and tax evasion, with shielding from the FCA.
The matter ended up in the Barnet County Court, where Badaloo successfully obtained an injunction, and the presiding Judge Marin made an Order for this disclosure from the bank.
The now discredited HHJ Nicholas Parfitt (Caught Manufacturing Fake Orders), accused Badaloo, of failing to file a defence, and used this as an excuse to make a totally counterfeit “Possession Order”, when the case was about accounting.
The Barnet Court Manager Richard Jeal, affirmed in writing, that Nicholas Parfitt, made a false statement, but the false order was never changed, despite a Judicial Review, where Badaloo was physically excluded from his own hearing, at the Royal Courts of Justice.
Badaloo and his vulnerable family went through living hell, as he fought some twelve illegal evictions on four London properties, against violent police and hostile court and local authority staff supporting the gang.
On April 1st 2015, Badaloo was handcuffed and arrested for trespass, in his own matrimonial home, by PC Ben Kovler and half a dozen others, after being given assurances on record the night before, by the investigating Police Sergeant, Peter Dearden, that this would never happen.
On May 1st 2015, Badaloo was again arrested on a fake warrant by Ilford Police, who ironically, issued a crime number (4401825 / 15 – PC 175J1 Perrett) on the illegal eviction, a couple of weeks before. And later on that day, War Hero Military Judge John Anderson, sent Anthony to Jail, for an indeterminate amount of time, without any prosecution nor information ever laid against him in a court of law. The lawyers involved, EBR Atteridge, stated in writing, that they were professionally embarrassed.
And whilst in the notorious Wormwoods Scrubs prison illegally, his matrimonial home was “sold”, with “VACANT POSSESSION” .
The illegal eviction investigating officer, Paul Purdy, who is on camera saying “there is a Warrant”, bought a mansion shortly thereafter.
Following intervention by the Lord Chancellor, David Lidington, the Court Manager at Barnet, has affirmed in writing, that there was no court fees paid to issue legitimate proceedings, and there was no judgement against against me, Issued by the Court.
These violent crimes by public officials, led Badaloo along the path, of Justice Campaigning. And he soon became an understudy, to the extraordinary forensics expert, Gedaljahu Ebert, author of the book, The Forensics of Legal Fraud.
Anthony had the good fortune, of working on and contributing to a number of high profile cases, most notably, Tobe Leigh, Rekha Patel and Michelle Young
This was a baptism of fire, into the quagmire of Court Order Scams, by a violent gang involving the Police, Local Authority and Court Staff. Violently taking money, homes and even children, making false claims to court authority. Leaving the victims no access to justice in what he calls A Pyramid of Terror.
With this knowledge and expertise, Badaloo has won scores of notable cases, and has had hundreds dropped and settled out of court, for himself and clients. Inadvertently becoming a master of the Alternative Dispute Resolution process, which is now being dominated by Accountants. And scores of high profile resignations have taken place, when the officials take flight, when tackled by Badaloo, latest being Carolyn Wyman of the FOS.
With the FCA’s Andrew Bailey, now Bank of England Governor, sabotaging the family business income after years of unfounded harassment, as at 9/11/2017, on the grounds of an Order of Conviction, which does not exist. Badaloo awaits an Order from the complicit Court of Appeal, to restore his position. As written confession from the Hendon Magistrates Court was presented, affirming that no Information was ever laid against Badaloo for a lawful prosecution. Both the Court of Appeal, and the new FCA Chief Nikhil Rathi, have remained silent since December 2019 to date 21/06/2021, despite reminders sent by hand and registered post. That is exactly how, you torture babies.
Church Hill Finance continues to practice, and deliver unique value. As our loyal clients of three decades, trust us more than the defamatory false publications, heavily promoted on Google.
And we aim to achieve a PPI style resolution, for the benefit of all victims of Court Order Scams, as promoted under our Charitable arm, where we won a case out of court, against the Queen’s Lawyers, Pinsent Mason, to shut this telling petition down. Please join un on the journey to justice, by signing, sharing and supporting where the popular press to date, have not dared to venture www.ScamBuster.TV
David Fabb
David is a successful businessman who was unlawfully targeted and made bankrupt
After extended national services in the RAF, David joined an original ring-dealing firm on the London Metal Exchange, Rudolf Wold & Co.
In 1956 he opened the London office for a Midlands steel stockist, and later moved to the Midlands and became the director of the company.
Between 1969 and 2003 David developed a web of wholly owned companies, never once failing to recording his expanding profit and increasing net worth.
Unfortunately, in 2003 he fell foul of Deloitte Touche LLP and DLA Piper LLP where he endured multiple court hearings and was bankrupted by Deloitte in 2009. Several courts found his case “totally without merit”. He has a 2 year civil restraint order imposed by Birmingham high court in 2013, and is currently being threatened with another civil restraint order.
In June 2021 he published the 2nd version of the website, which includes a huge archive of damaging evidence and no confidence in or regard for the civil justice system.
Jess Panesar
CEO, Insta
BIO to follow

have been working since 2007, when my PPI was deliberately mis-sold and business destroyed and house proceeds stolen to achieve Justice, nearly took my own life in 2014 just before house was stolen using Fraud, Forgery and Lies, destroying marriage and family.
Very thankful to all the people who have helped and continue to help us victims of Corrupt Banks, currently homeless awaiting Ruled Remediation
I am happy for my details to be ‘broadcast’ and used .
details are being sent seperately
Regards Ron Theobald