My career can be divided into five parts, sometimes overlapping
-economist and academic
-charitable, not for profit and community activities
-media, as a columnist and commentator
Research Assistant to Professor Carl Christ The Johns Hopkins University USA
Teaching Fellow at various universities in Canada and USA
Professor of Economics, University of New South Wales (appointed ’76 -11 years) and Head, School of Economics (4 years)
Professor of Management and Dean, Macquarie Graduate School of Management (21/2 years, hired as a change agent to rank MGSM as No 1 in Australia, NZ and Asia)
Professorial Fellow, Crawford School, Australian National University (Current)
Professor and Chair, Tax and Transfer Policy Institute, Crawford School, ANU (Current)
Adjunct Professor UTS Business School (Current)
Adjunct BCEC Professorial Fellow Curtin University (Current)
Professorial Fellow, Thinker-in-Residence, and Member Advisory Board, Institute of Applied Ecology, University of Canberra (Current)
Adjunct Professor, Griffith University, Centre for Sustainable Enterprise (Current)
Advisor, UNSW Grand Challenge on Inequality (Current)
Member, External Advisory Committee, School of Business, WSU (Current)
Director, The Sir Roland Wilson Foundation, ANU (Current)
Visiting Professor, Keio University, Japan, and Institute of South East Asian Studies, Singapore (several occasions)
Director, Japanese Economic Management Studies Centre, UNSW
Research Associate and Member of the Management Committee, Centre for Applied Economic Research, UNSW
Member, Advisory Board, Industrial Relations Research Centre, UNSW
Member, Advisory Board, NSW Institute of Languages, UNSW
President, The Economic Society of Australia (NSW Branch)
Founder, Macquarie Economics, Macquarie Bank Limited
Economist, Australian Treasury (Bureau of Census and Statistics)
Consultant, then Economist, International Monetary Fund
Visiting Economist, Reserve Bank of Australia, subsequently Deputy Manager, Banking and Finance Department
Economist with UNESCAP, Bangkok; Monetary Authority of Singapore, Singapore; and Consultant, ADB, Manila.
Spoken and lectured widely at academic, economic and business conferences as an economist, worldwide over the last 40 years
Before entering politics (approx 5 years)
Business Consultant and Strategist with major clients Hill Samuel Australia, Australian Bank, Sumitomo Bank (Australian Advisor, 2 years), OCBC Singapore, Midland Bank, Bank of America, Baring Securities Australia, F.W.Holst, Australian Merchant Bankers Association
Founder and Founding Executive Director/Member of the Executive Committee, Macquarie Bank Limited
Trustee, IBM Superannuation Fund
Owner Simpsons, one of Sydney’s leading restaurants
Post politics (since 1995)- only major appointments
Chairman, ABN AMRO Australia, and Member Advisory Board (11 years)
Director, Moran Healthcare Group, Chairman, Pulse Health, Chairman, People First Retirement Living
Director, GRD and Minproc Engineers
Chairman, Belle Property
Deputy Chairman, The Television Shopping Network
Director, IT&T Services
Chairman, Strategic Capital Management
Chairman, Australian Bus Manufacturing Company, and Deputy Chairman, The Qingdao Pacific Coach Company
Director, E.G.Funds Management- current
Chairman, Global Renewables Limited
Chairman, EnergyMad
Chairman, Natural Fuels Limited
Chairman, GlobalDC Limited
Chairman, Elderslie Finance Limited
Chairman, Touring Car Entrants Group of Australia, and Director, V8 Supercars Australia
Chairman, GSA (General Security Australia)- (Current)
Chairman, Signature Gold Limited- (Current)
Chairman, Equiti Capital Limited
Chairman, Shartru Capital Limited
Chairman, Shartru Wealth Management
Chairman, RESI Financial Services, a JV between Shartru Wealth and RESI Home Loans
Chairman, Larus Energy, Australia and PNG
Director, North Queensland Bio-Energy Corporation (Current)
Executive Director, Core Fuel Limited
Executive Director, Core Graphite Limited
Chairman, Momentum Wealth Limited
Chairman, Momentum Developments Limited
Chairman, Momentum Energy and Resources Limited
Advisor, Tsing Agri-Tech Fund
Chairman, Northern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust for NSW Government (Current)
Chairman, The John Hewson Group- investment banking, start-ups, turnarounds, property- (Current)
Australian Advisor, Infosys Limited
Advisor, WSN Environmental Solutions
Chairman. Port Augusta Graphite Energy P/L (Current)
Director, Solastor P/L (Current)
Director, CDPWaste2Energy P/L
Director, Crescent Wealth and Crescent Super
POLITICAL CAREER (2 stages, 1976-1983 as a staffer, and1987-Member of Parliament)
Chief of Staff/Senior Advisor to two Federal Treasurers, Sir Philip Lynch and John Howard, and to the Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser- 7+ years
Member for Wentworth in the Federal Parliament-8 years
Shadow Minister for Finance
Shadow Treasurer
Leader of the Liberal Party, Leader of the Federal Coalition, and Leader of the Opposition- 4 years
Shadow Minister for the Arts
Shadow Minister for Industry, Commerce, Infrastructure and Customs
Official Guest, British Government
Led many delegations internationally, meeting many of the world’s leaders, most notably, I was one of first western leaders to visit Beijing, post Tiananmen Square, meeting with Jiang Zemin and Li Peng, and other senior ministers; met meet with two US Presidents; and led the first Trade Mission of business and political leaders from Australia to Taiwan.
Major charities
Launched and Led, The National Breast Cancer Campaign
President, Arthritis Australia, leading it to become A National Health Priority
Chairman, and Founder, Osteoporosis Australia since 2000
Chairman, KidsXpress since 2005
Chairman, Advisory Board, Cambodian Children’s Fund
Patron of a host of other charities etc
Other major activities, in no particular order
Government- Consultant, Australian Financial System Inquiry (Campbell Committee)
-Member, Fraser Government Task Force on Final Report of The Australian Financial System Inquiry, to assess and advise on the implementation of the Report
-Member and Consultant, NSW Government’s Whitlam Committee on Offshore Banking
-Adviser to Tasmanian Government on banking, finance and related matters
-Tasmanian Representative on Treasurer Keating’s Officials Committee on Offshore Banking
-Member, Kyoto Protocol Ratification Advisory Group (formed by NSW, Victorian and South Australian Governments, 02/03)
Sporting -Member, Bid Team for Melbourne and Sydney Olympic bids
-Olympic Attache- Netherlands Olympic Team Sydney 2000 Games
– Chairman, Sydney United Soccer Club
-Chairman, Investment Advisory Committee, Australian Olympic Foundation (current)
-Patron, Australian Corporate Games
Other- Chairman, National Business Leaders’ Forum on Sustainable Development (6 years)-currently on Steering Committee
-Director, The Asia-Australia Institute, UNSW
-Member, Australian Davos Connection Foundation Council
-Member, National Advisory Board of Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (AIESEC)
-Member, External Advisory Group, Group Training Australia (current)
-Hon. Trustee, Committee of Economic Development of Australia (CEDA)(current)
-Member, Advisory Group, Australia Worldwide, Solutions for a Sustainable Future (current)
-Member and Signatory, The Australian Multicultural Foundation (current)
-Chairman, Positive Ageing Foundation
-Chairman, The Leadership Foundation
-Chairman, Foundation for the New England Regional Art Museum
-Chairman, RepuTex Advisory Committee
-Chairman, Carbon Economy Task Force 2009
-Patron, Australians For Just Refugee Programs (Current)
-Director, The Southern Highlands Foundation
-Director, Australian Indigenous Chamber of Commerce
International- Member, Asia-Pacific Business Forum
-Member, Eminent Persons Group on Current and Prospective Economic and Social Performance in the UNESCAP Region
-Member, UNESCAP Expert Group on Development Issues and Policies: Infrastructure Development
-The Special Advisor to the Under Secretary of the United Nations and the Executive Secretary on Infrastructure Financing, UNESCAP
-Member, The Trilateral Commission (current)
WWF Earth Hour Ambassador 2013
Chairman, Asset Owners Disclosure Project
Member, Experts Panel Low Carbon Economy, prepared for Weatherill Government, South Australia
Chairman, Northern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust Board for NSW Government (Current)
Member, National Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment (Current)
Patron, Australian Solar Council (Current)
Chair, Business Council for Sustainable Development Australia (Current)
Chair, BioEnergy Australia (Current)
Member, SteerCo, Australian Sustainable Finance Roadmap
I have written columns, given hundreds of speeches/lectures at conferences around the world, and appeared regularly as a radio and television commentator for nearly 35years.
Major media activities:
Economics Consultant and Author, The Economist Column, Business Review Weekly, 1983-87
Editorial Advisor, Member Advisory Board and Columnist Triple A magazine
Australian Correspondent for International Reports (a Financial Times subsidiary based in New York)
Regular Columnist Australian Financial Review (more than 15 years)
Weekly Columnist Southern Highlands News (Current)
Columnist Fairfax Media – SMH, Age, Canberra Times, and on line (Current)
Weekly Columnist Fairfax Regional Media (Syndicated) (Current)
Weekly Commentator and Contributor Sky News including Switzer (Current)
Regular commentator widely, radio/ TV/ newspapers
A host of invited columns in Australian and overseas publications
Member Gruen Nation ABC program 2010 Federal Election- the highest rating ABC program of the year, and again in 2013
By invitation or award
– Fellow, Academy of the Social Sciences of Australia (FASSA)
– Fellow, Australian Institute of Company Directors (FAICD)
– Fellow, Finance and Treasury Association (FFTP(Hon))
– Affiliate, The Securities Institute of Australia (ASIA)
– Fellow, The Hong Kong Management Association
– Member in the Order of Australia- For service to business and economics, to the Australian Parliament and politics, and to the community.
– Centenary Medal7
– Woodrow Wilson Fellow
– Lifetime Achievement Award University of Regina, November 2009
– Order of Merit, Australian Olympic Committee May 2010
Numerous publications in refereed journals, book chapters, etc.
Liquidity Creation and Distribution in the Eurocurrency Markets D. C Heath Lexington Books, 1975
The Eurocurrency Markets and Their Implications- A New View of International Financial Markets and their Implications for Monetary Reform (with Sakakibara) D.C. Heath Lexington Books, 1975
Offshore Banking in Australia (Campbell Committee) 1981
Australians Speak 1991
Fightback 1992
Presently finishing two books – ‘ Public Policy Book’ and another as a Collection of major public policy columns and speeches etc