Michael Harold, Co-founder and CTO of GoKnown, LLC
Michael Harold is a Co-Founder and CTO of GoKnown, LLC, a
technology startup building a real time, distributed ledger
marketplace for data. Having spent more than 35 years in the
computer industry, Michael has experience as an inventor,
corporate strategist, architect and analyst.
He has been recognized as a visionary inventor and technology
pioneer in multiple markets including Distributed Ledger (DL)
computing, Mobile Media Casting, Enterprise information
Archiving and Search (EIA), Cloud Computing, Last-mile Web
Acceleration, Business Process Management (BPM) and
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). His notable inventions
include N-bit encryption and compression, decentralized peerto-peer computing (a precursor to blockchain and distributed
ledger computing), media casting, mobile out of home
“touchless” device management and decentralized
cryptographic data storage and key management.
He is known for having pioneered the world’s first web-based,
global supply chain EAI solution for FedEx and is a recognized
inventor of mobile media casting and smart TV technology with
patent licensees that include Microsoft, Sony, Samsung, LG,
Panasonic, Roku and others.