Steve Conley

Values Based Adviser is an international operation helping individuals connect with values-based advisers, organisations and investments, and helping social entrepreneurs in developing countries set-up values-based investments.

In addition to his role at Values Based Adviser, Steve is:

– Non-Executive Director, Workplace Pensions Direct

– Director of The Blair Project, using motorsport as a tool for engagement to enthuse and inspire young people to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and digital industries

– Former Head of Investments of HSBC

– Former Head of Savings & Investment Strategy RBS Group

– Former Head of Wrap & Innovation at Santander

– Former Chair of British Bankers’ Association Bancassurance Steering Group


Steve has worked at a senior level in the pensions and investments sector since 1982 and is known for bringing the first wrap platforms and the first retail multi-asset funds to the UK. He has been a chartered insurance professional since 1989, twice Jubilee Prize winner at IIM and twice Broker Prize winner at BIIBA.


Steve is an active participant in several of the TTF’s Teams and is Principal Leader of the Market Integrity Team, which he initiated.

TTF Press Release, Steve Conley appointed Ambassador
TTF Press Release, Steve Conley appointe[…]
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JB Beckett

Affectionately known as JB, Jon Beckett was a well known and outspoken professional fund investor and analyst for two decades until he retired in 2018. His CV included assessing asset managers and the world’s largest single asset mandate (£109bn) for Lloyds Banking Group where he was also co-Lead if its Responsible Investing framework for the Insurance division.


As a Non Executive Director (NED) JB continues to be a vocal campaigner for better fund governance and value. A campaigner for professionalism and better standards in fund investing and due diligence; as Emeritus of the Association of Professional Fund Investors he previously led a global team to tackle issues arising from transparency, sustainability and technology. As Author of ‘#NewFundOrder’ and Co-Author of ‘The WealthTec Book’ and ‘Paytech Book’ JB has been a thought leader in the digitalisation and sustainability of asset management, speaking and writing globally.


A dedicated educator, JB is a guest lecturer at Stirling and Herriot Watt Universities and has written textbooks up to NQ Level 7 for the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investments, with which he is Chartered and a member of its disciplinary panel. He is a member of the Stirling Student Investment Managed Fund oversight committee and a NED for Royal London and SVM Limited.

TTF Press Release, JB Beckett appointed Ambassador
TTF Press Release, JB Beckett appointed […]
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Markus Krebsz

Markus is a seasoned Risk specialist and Government advisor with 25 years’ experience in global financial markets, thereof almost 20 years in managing risk.


Executive director and Board member of a new UK challenger bank. Previously, as Interim CRO, instrumental in launching/ establishing a high-profile capital markets/ lending institution start-up for the UK government and playing a pivotal role in achieving its strong investment-grade ratings. Current member of a United Nations working party on risk & regulation; previously advising the World Bank, the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC).


Co-Founder and acting Chairman of the Culture & Conduct Group, Chairman (ex-officio) of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) FinTech Forum. Ambassador of the Transparency Task Force, member of its Banking team and contributor to the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Fair Business Banking. Mentor/ member at Google Campus.


Well regarded thought-leader and lecturer with some of the world’s best academic institutions and frequent appearances at Industry’s top speaking circles. Published author/ editor of several books, incl. on the Global financial crisis as well as other technical publications. Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA).

Ralph Frank

Ralph was part of the team that set up Cardano’s UK business in 2007. Prior to Cardano, Ralph was European Director of Consulting at Mercer Investment Consulting. Ralph is a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. He graduated as a Bachelor of Economic Science from the University of Witwatersrand. Ralph is a leader of the TTF’s Costs & Charges Team and a Transparency Trophy winner.


Ralph is also on the Financial Conduct Authority’s Institutional Disclosure Working Group being Chaired by Dr. Chris Sier.

Dr. Anna Tilba

Dr. Anna Tilba is a researcher and a Lecturer in Strategy and Corporate Governance and a Director of Corporate Engagement at the Newcastle University Business School. She joined NUBS in 2012 from the University of Liverpool Management School where she obtained her PhD in corporate governance and where she was teaching Strategy both at undergraduate and postgraduate level.


Her research interests include pension fund investment, financial intermediation and networks, accountability, corporate governance and investor engagement.  Anna has an emerging record of publications in top tier academic journals. She also reviews papers for such scholarly journals as Corporate Governance: An International Review, Organization Studies, European Management Review, Business History and her papers appear at various international conferences.


Anna has been a member of the Advisory Committee on Fiduciary Duties of Investment Intermediaries for the Law Commission. The Consultation Paper on Fiduciary Duties is commissioned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and arises from the Kay Review of UK Equity Markets and Long-Term Decision-Making.


More recently, Anna has carried out research for the UK Financial Conduct Authority on the Effectiveness of the Oversight Committees as past of the FCA’s Asset Management Market Study


Furthermore, Anna is a member of the Transparency Task Force’s Costs & Charges Team and the International Best Practice Team; and she frquently participates at TTF events.

TTF Press Release: Dr. Anna Tilba appointed Ambassador
TTF Press Release Dr. Tilba Appointed Am[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [259.8 KB]

Con Keating

Con has been a member of the steering committee of the financial econometrics research centre at the University of Warwick. He has held senior positions at several international institutions including the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies, Societe Universitaire Europeene de Recherche en Finance and the OECD’s private pensions committee. Con has published widely on the regulation of financial institutions and pension systems and has developed new statistical tools for financial data analysis. Con is involved with many of the Transparency Task Force’s Teams and is a winner of the Transparency Trophy. He speaks frequently at TTF events.

Daniel Godfrey

For most of the last twenty years Daniel has held CEO roles at two trade associations. Firstly, as Director General of the Association of Investment Companies for eleven years and then, for three years, he was CEO of the Investment Association – the trade body for the UK’s £5.5 trillion investment management sector. At the Investment Association, Daniel drove forward the development of a client-centric set of Investment Principles. In addition to his role at The People’s Trust, he is currently a Non-Executive Director of Big Issue Invest Fund Management, the Investor Forum and the Ethical Capitalism Group. Daniel is a member of the Transparency Task Force’s Costs & Charges Team and a Transparency Trophy winner. Daniel is a frequent speaker at TTF events.

TTF Press Release, Daniel Godfrey appointed Ambassador
TTF Press Release, Daniel Godfrey appoin[…]
Adobe Acrobat document [406.0 KB]

Guy Spier

I run the Aquamarine Fund which is an investment partnership closely modelled on the original Buffett Partnerships, investing primarily in equities. In 2014 I published a book titled, “The Education of a Value Investor” which has sold more than 50,000 copies in English and has been translated into German, Spanish, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Polish and Vietnamese amongst other languages. Investors in my fund include friends and family, high net worth individuals, their family offices, private banks investing on behalf of their clients and even some institutional investors and pension funds. One of my best learning experiences to date was my $650,000 lunch with Warren Buffett, on which Mohnish Pabrai and I successfully bid and won in 2007.Investors and business leaders that I admire include my father, Seth Klarman, Joel Greenblatt, Li Lu, John Mihaljevic, Thomas Edison, Mahatma Gandhi, Edward Shackleton, Marcus Aurelius, Anthony Robbins, Don Keough, Charlie Munger. My Investment process includes the using checklists – as was written up in Atul Gawande’s book, “The Checklist Manifesto”.


I did an MBA at Harvard Business School (class of 1993). I did my undergraduate degree at Brasenose College, Oxford in PPE (Politics, Philosophy and Economics) where I did some tutorials with David Cameron. I graduated in 1988 with a First-Class Degree and the George Webb Medley Prize for the top performance in Economics. I serve on the boards of UN Watch, and of Swiss Friends of Oxford University. I also serve on the advisory boards of Horasis and World Minds. In the past, I served on the Alumni Board of the Harvard Business School, the Dakshana Foundation and Weizmann Science and Business Club . I have been a TEDx co-Host in Tel Aviv and in Zurich with Maya Elhalal – Levavi, Peter Hogenkamp and Tim Duhrkoop and Hugo Schotman.
For more on me, go to or to

My Experience:

Aquamarine Capital, CEO, February 1995 – Present. I manage the investments of the Aquamarine Fund, an investment partnership closely modelled on the original Buffett Partnerships. Investors include high net worth individuals, entrepreneurs, institutions and family offices.
TEDxZuriberg, Co-Host, June 2018 – Present, Zürich Area, Switzerland.

Swiss Friends of Oxford University, Member Board Of Directors, January 2018 – Present, Zürich Area, Switzerland.

ZURICH.MINDS Foundation, Advisory Board Member, December 2012 – Present, Zürich Area, Switzerland. ZURICH.MINDS is a non-profit foundation set up in 2008 by Rolf Dobelli. The goal of the ZURICH.MINDS Foundation is “to create a bridge between the science, business and cultural communities”. Its annual meeting has received some coverage in local media, such as the Switzerland edition of The Wall Street Journal, Swiss national television amongst others, members include Nobel prize laureate Kurt Wuthrich, former Chancellor of Germany Gerhard Schröder, philosopher John N. Gray of the London School of Economics, director at the Max Planck Institute Gerd Gigerenzer, writer and politician Matt Ridley, economist Paul Romer, neuroeconomist Ernst Fehr, and experimental psychologist Roy Baumeister.


Harvard Business School, Alumni Board Member, October 2012 – June 2015 (2 years 9 months). The HBS Alumni Board works to advance the interests of alumni worldwide. Board members are selected from the pool of active alumni volunteers. The HBS Alumni Board is a group of approximately 50 alumni, comprising current and former club officers, class secretaries, Fund agents, reunion volunteers, and other active alumni from around the world. It provides an important link between HBS alumni and the School. The purposes of the Board are to: Communicate the interests and concerns of HBS alumni worldwide to the Dean, faculty, students, and staff of HBS Propose actions to enhance the well-being of HBS alumni. Encourage communication of the School’s activities, priorities, and educational resources to alumni. This year, the Board is continuing to support clubs and associations, while also focusing on additional areas of current interest to the School and its alumni: enhancing alumni engagement, and improving volunteer interaction.

Weizmann Science and Business Club, Co-Chair, June 2011 – May 2014 (3 years), Zurich. The purpose of the Weizmann Science and Business Club (WSBC) is to act as a conduit for support of the Weizmann Institute. The WSBC will support the activities the Swiss, European and other committees of friends of the Weizmann Institute. In addition to supporting the existing committees, the WSBC will seek out new, and younger supporters of the Weizmann Institute by: Bringing valuable scientists and members of the Weizmann Institute to events in Switzerland and in Europe together with WSBC members for learning and discussion. Facilitating and enabling networking between members of the WSBC amongst themselves and the broader Weizmann community.

Horasis, Advisory Board Member, June 2010 – June 2013 (3 years 1 month), Zurich. Horasis: The Global Visions Community is an independent international organization committed to enacting visions for a sustainable future. Horasis is a visions community – together with our members we explore, define, and implement trajectories of sustainable growth. Horasis provides strategic foresight to public and private entities who envisage growing into global and sustainable organizations. Horasis hosts annual meetings to advance solutions to the most critical challenges facing corporations today. Participants jointly identify globally relevant business issues and develop sophisticated and interdisciplinary solutions. Participants then leverage these solutions to enhance corporate performance and long-term growth. Among the participants are the Chief Executive Officers of the world’s most respected corporations as well as key business leaders from emerging markets. Also participating are renowned thought leaders and relevant public figures including heads of government and ministers.

Oxford Alumni Association of New York, President, 2005 – 2007 (3 years), Ran the Oxford Alumni Association of New York with Amanda Pullinger.


European Commission, Stagaire, 1990 – 1991 (2 years), Cellule de Prospective / Forward Studies Unit.


Braxton Associate, Research Associate, 1988 – 1990 (3 years)


Harvard Business School, MBA · (September 1991 – June 1993)

Oxford University, BA, PPE – Politics, Philosophy & Economics · (September 1984 – June 1988)

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Certificate, German studies · (1984 – 1985)

Boris Galonske

Boris Galonske serves as Managing Director of Silverbergh Partners. Boris has more

than 20 years’ experience as a top management consultant.


He has conducted strategy design and implementation projects as well as large scale turnarounds and change programs. Since the late 1990s he has also been an advisor on risk-return decision making serving financial and strategic investors. Today, he also works with technology start-ups on their strategic propositioning and digital business



Previously, he was a partner and co-founder of Oliver Wyman´s Global Risk & Trading practice. Prior to joining Oliver Wyman, he was a consultant with McKinsey & Co. During his time at Oliver Wyman he also co-founded Marsh & McLennan Companies

cross-opco Infrastructure practice.


He has been an advisor to the OECD, the World Economic Forum, the World Energy Council and the International Risk Governance Council (IRGC).


He contributes to the T20 Task Force.

Peter Schmid

Peter is a seasoned banker with more than 30 years of working experience in Zurich, New York, London and Tokyo. He held various leadership positions both in Investment Banking and in Wealth Management. His primary focus was on suitable investment solutions for private clients where he was responsible for the development, distribution and life-cycle management of such solutions.


Peter now provides his vast experience to the broader financial services industry with his consulting and software development business. He promotes a rigorous focus shift from service provider relevance to customer relevance. It is clear to him that a financial incentives-driven sales culture must change into a differentiating ethical culture with customer protection at the heart.


He completed the UBS Master in Wealth Management program and holds a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Finance from the University of Berne and a Master in Science (MS) in Wealth Management from the Simon Business School of the University of Rochester. Peter also holds a Master of Advanced Studies (MAE) in Applied Ethics from the University of Zurich. He attended the Executive Development Program of the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Peter is an alumnus of the Swiss Finance Institute and member of the Swiss Risk Association and of the think tank Female Shift.

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