Sept 1992 – Sept 1996: Self-employed in Hong Kong as a research and
management consultant to investment managers in Asia and Europe. Shane’s
most important achievements included:
• Advising a major European bank on the establishment of a US$2 billion
private-banking unit in Singapore
• Winning a total of >US$1.5 billion in new business for investment
management firms in Europe and Asia.
Oct 1988 – Aug 1992: Managing director of Pierson, Heldring & Pierson
(Hong Kong) Ltd, a Dutch universal bank, now part of Fortis. Shane was
responsible for the group’s overall overall management, including
marketing, business development, budgeting, personnel, etc. The firm’s
activities included corporate and private banking, trust and corporate
secretarial services, asset management, and stockbroking.
Feb 1982 – Aug 1988: Investment director, then deputy managing
director, of N.M. Rothschild & Sons (Hong Kong) Ltd, the Asian branch of
the Rothschild private banking and financial services group. Mainly
responsible for investment research and recommendations on Asian
securities to the firm’s institutional and private clients all over the world.
Also managed US$400m in discretionary portfolios for pension schemes,
corporates, families, HNWIs, and a UK-authorised equity unit trust.
Oct 2010 – present (full-time): Independent consultant, advising fund
managers on the development/ marketing of their offering and introducing
them to professional and institutional investors.
Feb 2017 – present: UK Representative, part-time, Fuchs Asset
Management SA, a Luxembourg-based AIFM platform/ ‘supermanco’.
Oct 2010 – present: Senior Adviser, part-time, to MontLake Funds Ltd,
formerly ML Capital, owner of Dublin-based AIFM platform/ ‘supermanco’.
July 2008 – Oct 2010: Head of research and advisory services, based in
London and Malta, at ML Capital Ltd, a distributor of hedge funds.
July 2006 – June 2008: UK-based consultant on institutional asset
management, advising on business development and manager risk.
Sept 1996 – June 2006: Co-founder of RCP & Partners in Hong Kong,
Germany, and London. Developed Fiduciary Rating, measuring the risk of
entrusting financial assets/ responsibilities to third parties. Established and
managed a Hong Kong office, another in Germany. Compiled and edited
The FT Guide to Investment Managers in Asia, published by the Financial
Times. Shane also wrote a monthly newsletter on the asset management
industry. Conducted c.70 Fiduciary Ratings on asset management firms of
most types – traditional, hedge, private equity/ venture capital – in the UK,
Europe, and Asia. The business was sold in 2006.
Public bodies:
1984-92: Member, Executive Committee, Hong Kong Association of
Deposit-taking Companies, a self-regulatory industry body.
1986-92: Member, Committee on Unit Trusts, Securities & Futures
Commission, Hong Kong, the local industry regulator.
2002-06: Foundation governor, The Oratory Primary School, London