Dr Frank Ashe has a consulting and capability building practice, specialising in risk governance, behavioural finance, risk management, and investments. He covers the gamut from culture and behavioural psychology, to corporate strategy, to technical matters in derivative risk, to asset-liability management, to comparative corporate governance, and on. He is an Honorary Associate Professor with the Macquarie University Applied Finance Centre.
Dr Ashe has worked for over 35 years in Australia, Canada, Africa and Asia with consultancies, insurance companies, investment management firms, bond dealers, and financial software houses. A recent example of pro bono capability building work was through Actuaries Without Borders, where he ran two courses with IFAGE, in Dakar, Senegal, lifting the capability of people in their nascent insurance industry.
He is a regular presenter at industry seminars and colloquia, and was President of the Australian Q-Group 2002-2011. He regularly travels through East Asia and South Asia, consulting, presenting seminars, in-house training and Masters level University courses. Dr Ashe is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Dr Ashe obtained his PhD in Operations Research from the University of New South Wales. He majored in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Statistics, and Actuarial Science, with First Class Honours in Mathematics, from Macquarie University. He balances this with lifelong learning in the human condition.
Dr Frank Ashe is a company director, and has a consulting practice, specialising in risk governance, behavioural finance, risk management, and investments. He covers the full gamut of analysis, from the qualitative, such as behavioural economics, to very quantitative analysis. He is an Honorary Associate Professor with the Macquarie University Applied Finance Centre.
Dr Ashe has worked for over 35 years in Australia, Canada, Africa and Asia with consultancies, insurance companies, investment management firms, universities, bond dealers, and financial software houses.
He is a regular invited speaker at conferences and was President of the Australian Q-Group 2002-2011. From Australia, he regularly travels through East Asia and South Asia, speaking, consulting, presenting seminars, in-house training and Masters level University courses.