Erik Conley

Erik was a trader and portfolio manager from 1977 – 2001. Former head of equity trading at Northern Trust Co. in Chicago.


He is now a private investor, founder of a nonprofit investor advocacy firm, and private investing coach.


“It gives me great satisfaction to teach everyday investors (investors who don’t have millions of dollars at their disposal) the same skills and strategies that I used with my high net worth clients as a private wealth manager. It may be a cliché, but giving something back to the community is more rewarding to me than helping very rich people get even richer”

Joseph Hosler

Joseph Hosler, CFA, brings 23 years of investment experience serving the needs of large institutional clients.


His background includes portfolio management and investment analysis, predominantly focused on domestic and international public companies. Prior to the founding of Auour Investments, Joe led investment activities within various sectors at Pioneer, Babson Capital, Putnam Investments, and Independence Investment Associates (IIA). While at IIA, Joe drove the effort to design, develop, and launch one of the first quantitatively driven tax efficient investment approaches focused on individuals and taxable organizations.


Joe holds an MBA from The Darden School of the University of Virginia, as well as, a B.S. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Boston University. He is an active volunteer within his community and currently sits on the Boston Security Analysts Society’s Strategists/Economists Subcommittee.


Joe resides in Wenham, MA with his wife of 25 years, two children and three dogs (soon to be four).


Joe is also a member of the Transparency Task Force’s Americas Special Interest Group and a Transparency Task Force Ambassador.

Michael Erlanger

Michael Erlanger, Founder and Managing Principal, of, Inc (


Michael spent the first 35+ years of his career on Wall Street as a top-ranked corporate bond broker, trader, institutional salesman and department head. Subsequently, he co-founded two profitable Wall Street broker dealers.


Michael is also Chief Visionary, Co-Founder and Director of GoKnown, LLC, a technology start up (

David Rowe

David M. Rowe is founder and president of David M. Rowe Risk Advisory, a risk management consulting firm. The firm is focused on risk management support for boards and senior executives of financial institutions, primarily banks and investment banks, with particular emphasis on capital market activities. It also advises on risk management technology strategy and vendor relationships. Dr. Rowe wrote the Risk Analysis column in Risk magazine for 16 years. He also is the author of An Insider’s Guide to Risk Management – Relearning the Lessons of the Global Financial Crisis.


From August 2013 to August 2015, Dr. Rowe served as Senior Strategist for Risk and Regulation at Misys Financial Software. Prior to that, Dr. Rowe was Executive Vice President for Risk Management at SunGard. In both positions, he provided strategic input to solutions for risk management and served as an external spokesman on risk management issues.

Prior to joining SunGard, Dr. Rowe spent more than 25 years in the banking and economic forecasting industries, most recently as senior vice president of the Risk Management Information group at Bank of America in San Francisco. In that role, Dr. Rowe had executive oversight and responsibility for the design, deployment, maintenance and operation of market and credit risk systems for the bank’s global FX, derivative and securities trading activities.


Dr. Rowe’s earlier positions include chief financial officer of Security Pacific Securities, Inc. (the broker-dealer subsidiary of the former Security Pacific Corp.); executive vice president and director of research for Townsend-Greenspan & Co. (Alan Greenspan’s economic consulting firm prior to becoming Chairman of the Federal Reserve) and president of Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates in Philadelphia.

His industry positions have included:

  • Board member of the International Association of Financial Engineers (IAFE)
  • Board Member and member of the Finance Committee of the Professional Risk Managers’ International Association (PRMIA)
  • Member of the editorial board of The Journal of Operational Risk
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the GARP Risk Review

Dr. Rowe holds a Ph.D. in econometrics and finance from the University of Pennsylvania, an MBA in finance with a concentration in money and banking from the Wharton Graduate School of Finance and Commerce, and a BA in economics with distinction from Carleton College.

Helene Spoto

As Client Relations Manager and co-owner of Sentry Financial Planning, the most important part of Helene’s job is helping guide clients through the financial planning process.


The paperwork can be overwhelming and time-consuming and she is there to assist during each step of the process to help keep things simple and organized.


Whether she is scheduling appointments, answering questions, or collecting information, clients can rely on her to keep their affairs in order.

John Spoto

John Spoto is the President and founder of Sentry Financial Planning, LLC, a FEE-ONLY financial planning firm. He does not work for any financial institution, sell financial or insurance products of any kind, accept or pay referral fees or receive commissions.


He specializes in advising people on financial planning matters including retirement and investments.


Because of his commitment to financial literacy, John is known throughout several MA counties for his educational seminars focusing on retirement and investment issues at libraries, organizations and industry conferences.


He is also a financial planning columnist/contributor for several hard-copy and online publications routinely covering all aspects of retirement and investment planning.


John is a State Registered Investment Advisor and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™. He is a member of The Garrett Planning Network and the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA), both of which are nationally recognized financial planning organizations dedicated to providing competent, objective and professional Fee-Only financial planning services. John has an MBA from Boston College and a BA from Boston University.

Charlie Atkins

Charlie Atkins is an economist by training with a specialization in International Monetary Economics, Finance and Operations Research.


He was a Morehead Scholar at UNC Chapel Hill where he was a Summa Cum Laude graduate and a member of Phi Beta Kappa, a Marshall Scholar at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution.


Mr. Atkins was a partner at Cherokee Investment Partners, the largest private equity investor in brownfield properties and is experienced in the rigorous quantification of environmental liabilities and risks.

Greg Rogers

Greg Rogers, J.D., CPA, is author of a comprehensive 384-page desk book on financial reporting of environmental liabilities and risks published by John Wiley & Sons and a internationally recognized expert on environmental and climate-related financial disclosure.


He is an advisor to the Master of Accounting Program and honorary Fellow at the Cambridge Judge Business School, visiting lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, past Chairman of the American Bar Association’s Committee on Environmental Disclosure.


Greg is also an original member of the Sustainably Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standards council.

Adam Choppin

Adam Choppin is an Investment Officer and Assistant Portfolio Manager of Emerging Markets Strategies at FIS Group, a $5.5bn Philadelphia-based manager-of-managers and global tactical allocation specialist. Mr. Choppin joined FIS in May 2013. Mr. Choppin is also on the leadership team of the Association of Professional Fund Investors as its Lead Representative for North America.


From 2008-2013, Mr. Choppin founded and ran a boutique investment advisory firm which advised on private investments in South America, Africa, and the Middle East.  Previously, Mr. Choppin worked for several U.S. Government agencies including as a trade and economic affairs liaison in Iraq, Afghanistan, Cape Verde, Sierra Leone, Ghana, and Mozambique. Most notably, in 2008 he organized the first official U.S. Government trade mission to Iraq in over 25 years.


Mr. Choppin earned his B.A. in International Relations from the University of Southern California (USC); his M.A. in International Economics and Business from Yale University; and a post-graduate Diploma in Finance from the London School of Economics.


While a student at USC, Mr. Choppin also read in Latin American economics and politics at the Universidade de São Paulo. He speaks Portuguese and Spanish.

Lorelei Graye

Lorelei is Founder of Leodoran Financial and independent consultant to private capital market organizations in venture, emerging markets, LBO, and real estate.
As a subject matter expert, industry leader, and advisor, Ms. Graye serves market participants through strategic management consulting, communications expertise and market intelligence; but she is probably best known for leading industry efforts such as the ADS Initiative to improve private fund fee transparency, reporting efficiencies, and to advocate LP operational needs.

Formerly, a reporting officer for the South Carolina Retirement System Investment Commission (RSIC), Lorelei spearheaded the development and implementation of the pension’s annual investment cost collection, validation, and reporting process which was featured in a prominent 2015 CEM Benchmarking study“The Time Has Come for Standardized Total Cost Disclosure for Private Equity”.

Ms. Graye has travelled extensively to promote best practices and educate market participants building an extensive global network of institutional investors, trustees, general partners, service providers, academic leaders, regulators, and policymakers.

Presentations and media coverage include organizations such as the WSJ, PEI, FundFire, Governing, Pensions & Investments, The Hedge Fund Law Report, Staying Ahead of the Curve (Cammack), NCTR, ILPA, APPFA, IMDDA, SURS of IL, TRS IL, TRS of TX, GAIM Ops Cayman, the Regulatory Fundamentals Group, The Spaulding Group, and the Lowell Milken Institute at UCLA School of Law.

A key participant and supporter of the ILPA Transparency Initiativeand organizer of the latest cross-collaboration, the Adopting Data Standards (ADS) Initiative, Lorelei has over 20 years of business experience with strong entrepreneurial roots and holds dual business degrees: a BS in finance and a BA in accounting, summa cum laude.

1 Dang, Andrea CFA; Dupont, David CFA; Mike Heale. “The Time Has Come for Standardized Total Cost Disclosure for Private Equity”


2 See

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