Joseph Hosler

Joseph Hosler, CFA, brings 23 years of investment experience serving the needs of large institutional clients.


His background includes portfolio management and investment analysis, predominantly focused on domestic and international public companies. Prior to the founding of Auour Investments, Joe led investment activities within various sectors at Pioneer, Babson Capital, Putnam Investments, and Independence Investment Associates (IIA). While at IIA, Joe drove the effort to design, develop, and launch one of the first quantitatively driven tax efficient investment approaches focused on individuals and taxable organizations.


Joe holds an MBA from The Darden School of the University of Virginia, as well as, a B.S. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Boston University. He is an active volunteer within his community and currently sits on the Boston Security Analysts Society’s Strategists/Economists Subcommittee.


Joe resides in Wenham, MA with his wife of 25 years, two children and three dogs (soon to be four).


Joe is also a member of the Transparency Task Force’s Americas Special Interest Group and a Transparency Task Force Ambassador.

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