John Spoto

John Spoto is the President and founder of Sentry Financial Planning, LLC, a FEE-ONLY financial planning firm. He does not work for any financial institution, sell financial or insurance products of any kind, accept or pay referral fees or receive commissions.


He specializes in advising people on financial planning matters including retirement and investments.


Because of his commitment to financial literacy, John is known throughout several MA counties for his educational seminars focusing on retirement and investment issues at libraries, organizations and industry conferences.


He is also a financial planning columnist/contributor for several hard-copy and online publications routinely covering all aspects of retirement and investment planning.


John is a State Registered Investment Advisor and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™. He is a member of The Garrett Planning Network and the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA), both of which are nationally recognized financial planning organizations dedicated to providing competent, objective and professional Fee-Only financial planning services. John has an MBA from Boston College and a BA from Boston University.

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