Tuesday, 11th March 2025, from 6pm - 7:30pm GMTWhere
Online via Zoom.Format
There'll be a great line-up of speakers plus ample scope for discussion and debate.Why You Should Attend....
This event has been specially conceived and created for individuals who have been victims of any kind of scam, scandal, financial crime, fraud or injustice. TTF’s experience of dealing with hundreds and hundreds of people like that, through the perhaps thousands of conversations we have had has helped us understand just how traumatic the experience for them has been.
And, through our collaborative, campaigning community’s loss of Ian Davis R.I.P and the detailed understanding of the catastrophic regulatory failure that led to his passing, we are hyper tuned into understanding what the worst outcome can be.
This event is about bringing ideas to the table for victims to consider implementing; ideas designed to help them see a future of fresh possibilities and a renewed sense of hope. We want to do all we can to provide a sense of comfort and community; a sense of renewed agency.
All we ask is that everybody and anybody that has been a victim attend our meeting with an open mind and a willingness to consider turning a mindset of victimhood into a mindset of possibilities.
The session is going to be run by Andy Agathangelou, plus Steve Conley. For those that don’t know Steve, here’s a comment about him and his work from Andy:
“I’ve known Steve Conley for years and I’ve always trusted him and rated his abilities – I think he’s great. But in recent months I have personally benefited from his tremendous skills as a facilitator, a coach, a life planner. We have been meeting on Zoom weekly and through a remarkably effective step-by-step process Steve has helped me to put my own future plans and that of the TTF into focus. My planning is so much better now than it ever has been – I have an even greater sense of clarity of purpose than I have ever had before; it feels great and I want others to have a chance to understand Steve’s process.
During one of our conversations it dawned on me that what Steve does could be particularly beneficial to people who are facing real hardship; be that financially and/or emotionally, as a direct consequence of becoming a victim. Steve was happy to run this special meeting for TTF people so that they might get a feel for how beneficial values-based, holistic planning can be.
I am enthusiastically and unashamedly wanting to promote this event as best as I possibly can, because my instincts are that some people will find it, and any future related events that we do, helpful in a deep-down, heart and soul way. Be open minded and attend, please – I highly recommend it.”
This event is specifically designed for individuals who have fallen victim to financial scams and scandals. Beyond the immediate financial loss, such experiences can lead to profound emotional distress and a sense of lost control over one’s future. Steve’s approach empowers victims to reclaim their lives by focusing on:
- Human Capital: Recognising and leveraging your skills, knowledge, and experiences to rebuild financial stability.
- Emotional Resilience: Shifting from a victim mindset to one of empowerment and proactive planning.
- Purposeful Living: Aligning financial decisions with personal values and long-term aspirations.
By attending, you’ll gain insights into how to transform adversity into opportunity, rebuild confidence, and design a future that reflects your true potential.
Join us for an enlightening session that goes way beyond the topics we normally talk about; we believe it will give some a path to holistic recovery and renewed hope.
Here's the programme so far...