A special invitation to get involved in a ground-breaking initiative designed to help drive positive, progressive and purposeful finance reform, right around the world.
Executive Summary
This initiative is inspired by the idea that the Financial Services Sector seems to be riddled with a “profit before principles” mindset and a “money before morals” mindset; and that, unfortunately, these mindsets might even exist amongst some of those in positions of leadership and influence.
It could be argued that it’s impossible to imagine having a financial services sector that sincerely serves society, unless the policymakers, politicians, regulators, leaders of the major trade bodies and associations; and, of course, the leaders of all commercial organisations in the market, lead it correctly i.e. in a values-based and virtuous way.
We make this point because even just a casual glance at the level of fines against the financial services sector forces us to conclude that there has been, and continues to be, widespread malpractice, malfeasance, misconduct and mis-selling; all of which has taken place on the watch of those that have been in charge.
For a very good example of the type leadership in financial services that has led to awful problems, you can watch the YouTube videos on Senator Elizabeth Warren versus Wells Fargo Bank, relating to how Wells Fargo Bank was caught cheating its customers. Please get in touch if you would like links to those videos.
However, in complete contrast to the leadership at Wells Fargo Bank, there are also superb examples of individuals with precisely the conviction, qualities and character that the sector desperately needs.
Unfortunately, those values-based and virtuous leaders seem to be relatively few and far between, which makes us wonder:
- How can we help raise awareness of their exceptional and enlightened approach to leadership?
- How can we help to positively promulgate virtuous and values-based leadership?
- How can we better recognise leaders that “do the right thing, simply because it’s the right thing to do”
Quotations that carry the key message really well…
We hope you find these quotations interesting, insightful and perhaps even inspiring:
“Leadership is not a person or a position. It is a complex moral relationship between people based on trust, obligation, commitment, emotion, and a shared vision of the good”
– Joanne B. Ciulla
“Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But, if you must be without one, be without strategy.”
– General Norman Schwarzkopf
“Leadership is absolutely about inspiring action, but it is also about guarding against mis-action”
– Simon Sinek
This initiative is designed to explore the thinking behind those quotations; and how leadership interacts with other key topics such as culture, reward mechanisms, governance; and much more.
This is a fascinating topic and clearly, there is going to be a great deal to think about, discuss and explore.
If, like us, you want real and meaningful improvements to the financial system then please ‘stand up, not stand by’ – please get involved with this ground-breaking initiative because we need all the help that we can get to galvanise support for positive, progressive and purposeful finance reform through values-based and virtuous leadership.
Our videos below will whet your appetite; we urge you to watch them, please
Through the generous support of Ark Media Ltd we are able to provide you with a series of short videos to watch, conveniently placed below. They are designed to provide a silhouette outline of what this initiative is all about; do please take the time to watch them.
Having watched them, please get the full picture by contacting us and/or participating in our symposium taking place on May 29th; full details here.