Online symposium using interactive Zoom.
Wednesday, September 9th, from 1pm until 4pm, UK time
If you are ready to book your place, use the button below;
Otherwise read on for further details…
For any queries please contact us.
Sponsorship opportunities available – please get in touch
Executive Summary; scroll down for the speakers and to make bookings
This is a special TTF event being run with the Bank of England and the Financial Conduct Authority.
The background to this symposium is that the TTF has been liaising with the Bank of England and the FCA for over a year on potential improvements in data infrastructure and regulatory reporting throughout the financial services sector.
TTF’s interest in this topic is that better regulatory reporting will lead to greater transparency, lower operating costs for the sector, better data security, better consumer outcomes and so on.
There are enormous benefits to be had through developing more and better data standards within the financial services sector; but the barriers to progress are significant.
There are technical challenges to be overcome and there is obviously the need for all stakeholders to adopt a highly collaborative mindset for there to be any real hope of significant progress.
The symposium is being run on a different basis to a normal TTF event.
For example:
– The meeting has very specific objectives to be achieved and outcomes sought – we have been working very closely with the FCA and the BoE in crafting the agenda
– Attendees will be
- Senior thought leaders and stakeholders
- Strategic thinkers
- Experts in data standards, data science and data management
- Involved in pre and post event activities
- Able to think and operate beyond the short-term commercial interests of their own organisations
- Comfortable working collaboratively “for the common good”
We have been busy assembling a highly talented, highly motivated and highly collaborative group, with tremendous subject-matter expertise
Participants come from around the world and have a wide range of perspectives; but they are united in the desire to help drive transformational change in the regulatory reporting space.
Ultimately, we believe that with sufficient collaboration it is going to be possible to bring about changes that can drive a paradigm shift into a new era.
This meeting is therefore ideally suited to individuals and organisations that are keen to explore what may be technically possible; and can authentically embrace the idea of enlightened self-interest and working collaboratively for the common good, whilst of course remaining loyal to their own agendas.
Please do join us for what promises to be an interesting, engaging and thought-provoking event.
There will be a range of stakeholders involved, including some of our Ambassadors and members of our TTF International community.
We’ll also be touching on a range of insights, ideas and initiatives that are referenced in our new book, entitled
“Why we must rebuild trustworthiness and confidence in financial services; and how we can do it.”
Please get involved and be part of the solution.

Scroll down for further info, speaker details and to make bookings
Who should participate?
This online event will be of particular interest to individuals and organisations that authentically align with the idea that the financial services sector is important and that there is scope for improvement in how it works.
You can expect to be ‘amongst’ progressively minded and collaboratively minded people.
On the basis that “progress begins with realism” we’ll be running the event as a forum to enable everybody to “say it as they see it.” We will be facilitating the kind of candid yet constructive discussion that is needed to help move matters forward.
We don’t think any one person or organisation has all the answers; and we also think that all answers are worth listening to, so if you’ve got a point of view that you’d like to share, and are keen to hear the views of others, this is definitely an event for you.
This symposium will cover important topics that will be of particular interest to:
- Data scientists
- Data governance specialists
- Data standards specialists
- Regulatory reporting specialists
- RegTech organisations
- Think Tanks and Civil Society Groups with an interest in advancing the workings of the financial ecosystem
- Financial Services Trade Bodies and Professional Associations
- Academics and researchers in financial services governance, stewardship, ethics, data science, regulatory reporting, conduct and compliance

We will be using Zoom.
We will be structuring the event in such a way that it will be as engaging and as interactive as we can possibly make it. We’ll be working hard to create as “life-like” an event as possible, with every opportunity taken to create interaction and engagement.
Here’s the programme and timings, so far*
Andy Agathangelou FRSA
Founder, Transparency Task Force; Governor, Pensions Policy Institute; former Founding Chair, Friends of Automatic Enrolment; former Founding Chair, Association of Member Nominated Trustees.
- Welcome
- Recap on the ultimate purpose of the symposium
- Why we have assembled a “dream team” of thought leaders
- Why this is part of an ongoing process and not just “an event in isolation”
- The importance of collaboration, consensus-building and working towards a common goal

Angus Moir
Head of Data Collection Transformation Team, the Bank of England
Angus leads the data collection transformation team at the Bank of England: responsible for delivering a transformation of the way the Bank collects data from the UK financial sector. Previously, he led the Bank’s engagement in the Digital Regulatory Reporting initiative and played a key role in delivering a new supervisory dataset from the UK’s CCPs. Prior to dedicating his life to data and data collection, he held a number of roles at the Bank and in the private sector, primarily with a focus on risk analysis.
Originally an economist by training, his current primary interest, apart from improving data collection, is how to write rules and regulations in a “digital first” manner.

Andrew Beale
Digital Regulatory Reporting Manager, the Financial Conduct Authority
As programme director for Digital Regulatory Reporting, which is part of the FCA’s data strategy, Andy is responsible for identifying and designing solutions in areas where regulatory burden can be reduced and more value from data delivered.
He has more than 25 years experience designing and delivering large scale data and technology-enabled transformations in public and private sector organisations internationally, in a wide range of industries including government, regulators, healthcare, life sciences, financial services and media.

Gavin Starks
Founder at and Dgen.Net
Gavin explores the impact of data and the web on business, society and culture. He has co-created over a dozen data-driven organisations to bring multidisciplinary leadership to the digital age.
He co-chaired the development of the Open Banking Standard and he was the Open Data Institute’s founding CEO, working with Sir Nigel Shadbolt and Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Under his leadership, it unlocked over $100M of direct economic impact, incubated over 50 companies, launched franchises across 20 countries, trained 6,000 people, recruited a world-class board and team, and grew its turnover to $7M/y in under three years.
In 2015, at the request of HM Treasury, he co-chaired the development of the Open Banking Standard, laying the foundations for regulation and catalysing international innovation.
He served on the Data, Science and Evidence advisory board of the Ministry of Justice and the Smart London Board reporting to the Mayor’s office.
He has been creating businesses for over 20 years, leading projects with organisations such as Arup, Cap Gemini and the World Bank. He has been recognised as one of the most influential people in data: winning awards for his innovation and expertise, and providing Parliamentary Select Committee evidence.
He is a regular international speaker on the topic of the web of data and its impact on society.
His previous ventures include: organising the world’s environmental data and standards into an open web-service, AMEE, raising over $10M from leading VCs (sold 2015); chairing development of the first Gold Standard Carbon Offset; building the world’s leading digital music distributor, CI, the first company to deliver digital products to iTunes, and sent Amazon 25% of its download store at launch; creating award-winning streaming media company, Tornado in 1999 (sold 2003); joining Branson’s Virgin Net as employee #5 in 1995 to deliver Virgin Net (now Virgin Media).

Breakout Session #1 – The “Vision Statement”
- What would a hypothetical, ideal solution look like?
- What is the ultimate destination we should strive to move towards?

Short comfort break

Key points from Breakout #1 – The “Vision Statement”

Breakout Session #2 – The “Problem Statement”
- What is problematic/painful/limiting about the status quo?
- What is the fundamental business case for change4

Key points from Breakout #2 – The “Problem Statement”

Allan I. Mendelowitz
President of the ACTUS Financial Research Foundation
The ACTUS Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation that is dedicated to creating and promoting an open-source fee-free algorithmic financial contract standard that enables current and forward-looking analysis.
Over the course of his career he has held a number of senior executive government assignments. In his last position he served as Chairman of the Federal Housing Finance Board, the prudential regulator of the Federal Home Loan Bank system. He has published articles in scholarly journals and popular publications, lectured widely in the United States and abroad on economic and financial topics, and testified as an expert witness before the U.S. Congress more than 145 times.
Allan’s education includes economics degrees from Columbia University (A.B.) and Northwestern University (Ph.D.).

Open Discussion on “The Beginnings of How?”

Final Thoughts and Next Steps:
Angus Moir,
Head of Data Collection Transfer Team, the Bank of England
Andrew Beale
Digital Regulatory Reporting Manager, the Financial Conduct Authority
Andy Agathangelou FRSA

Formal close to the proceedings; however, for those that want to continue…
16:00 until 16:30
Optional, networking and conversation; a friendly and lightly facilitated “fireside chat” amongst friends and acquaintances, old and new…

Please click below to book your place
For any queries please contact us.