The Competitiveness Agenda; and why we need to push back on it – 18th January 2022

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Tuesday, January 18th from 12pm to 1.30pm UK time


Online symposium via Zoom.


There'll be a great line-up of speakers plus ample scope for discussion and debate.

Why you should attend

The big lesson from the Global Financial Crisis is that deregulation leads to disaster. We learned that very painful lesson so well that it could never be forgotten again, right? Wrong!

The latest evidence of our ability to forget painful lessons learned comes in the form of HM Treasury’s “Future Regulatory Framework Review.” It contains proposals about “competitiveness and growth” that seem harmless enough on the surface but that’s not the full picture. Beneath the surface there are signs that the proposals will lead to a “race to the bottom” and an even-more-conflicted regulatory framework that will be under even more pressure to promote the short-term interests of the banks and the City of London over and above the long-term interests of society as a whole.

You can download the joint statement below:
FRF CSO Joint Statement (Embargoes 00.01 Fri 4 Feb)


You can download a PDF of the Press Release Regarding Joint Statement below:
Press Release Regarding Joint Statement

Here's the programme and timings so far...

Further information about the TTF

You can click on the button below to read about the 130+ Transparency Task Force Ambassadors. The list includes world class academics and highly respected thought leaders from right around the world.

Click here to see the TTF Ambassadors

Transparency Task Force Advisory Group

You can click on the button below to read about the Transparency Task Force Advisory Group, which is Chaired by the former Chair of the Financial Conduct Authority’s Financial Services Consumer Panel.

Click here to see the TTF Advisory Group

If you want to read testimonials…

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