Online symposium using interactive Zoom.
Tuesday, July 21st, from 6:00pm until 8:00pm AEST
Primarily for people in Australia, but others welcome too!
With much thanks to our event sponsor:

Executive Summary; scroll down for the speakers and to make bookings
This symposium is all about galvanising support for the positive, progressive and purposeful finance reform that is so desperately needed.
If you believe there is scope for the financial services sector in Australia to serve society better, then this is an event for you.
If you know about problems around market conduct that need fixing then, please do all you can to participate – we want to hear from you.
Furthermore, if you have ideas about what can be done to make a positive difference, then it’s vital you get involved. We know there are many great ideas that can help drive the transformational change that is desperately needed; and we want to shine a big bright light on those ideas.
There are many important questions that need to be discussed and our events are all about creating a forum where people can “tell it as it is” and be heard, not ignored.
Questions such as:
- Do the financial regulators in Australia have sufficient powers to properly govern the sector?
- If they do have sufficient powers, are those powers being used effectively?
- If not, is regulatory capture a factor?
- Are vested interests getting in the way of consumers getting good outcomes?
- Are positive innovations being ignored, because they challenge vested interests and the status quo?
- Are the public finding it easy to get the information they need to make well-informed decisions?
- Are class actions having to fill the void created by ineffective regulatory enforcement?
- Are the fiduciary standard and best interest rules working as intended?
- Is the financial services sector in Australia serving society as it should?
- Has the Friedmanite idea of “maximising profit in the short term” spoiled the culture in financial services?
- What are the underlying forces driving poor market conduct?
- Is the regulatory framework in Australia working as it should? – if not, what can be done?
- Should there be a “Financial Consumers Bill of Rights?”
These are the types of questions and issues that impact the public’s perceptions of the financial services sector, which has been riddled with various types of malpractice, malfeasance, misconduct and mis-selling for many years; not just in Australia but in most parts of the world.
Clearly, the reputational integrity of the sector has been badly damaged. That’s why the Transparency Task Force is initiating and facilitating a global conversation about what’s wrong in financial services; and what needs to be done to fix it.
Furthermore, through those discussions we are creating a framework for finance reform that is designed to drive the positive, progressive and purposeful change that is needed.
These are all important issues that need to be addressed.
Please do all you can to join us for what promises to be an interesting, engaging and thought-provoking event.
There will be a range of stakeholders involved, including some of our Ambassadors and members of our TTF International initiative.
We’ll also be touching on the extensive thought leadership from TTF members that are referenced in our new book, entitled
“Why we must rebuild trustworthiness and confidence in financial services; and how we can do it.”
Please be sure to get involved in our event if you possibly can; please be part of the solution.

Scroll down for further info, speaker details and to make bookings

Who should participate?
This online event will be of particular interest to individuals and organisations that authentically align with the idea that the financial services sector is important and that there is scope for real and meaningful improvement in how it works.
You can expect to be ‘amongst’ progressively minded and collaboratively minded people.
On the basis that “progress begins with realism” we’ll be running the event as a forum to enable everybody to “say it as they see it.” We will be facilitating the kind of candid yet constructive, grown-up conversation that is needed to help move matters forward.
We don’t think any one person or any one organisation has all the answers; and we also think that all answers are worth listening to. So if you’ve got a point of view that you’d like to share, and are keen to hear the views of others, this is definitely an event for you.
This symposium will cover important topics that will be of particular interest to:
- Think Tanks and Civil Society Groups with an interest in the financial ecosystem
- Economists
- Industry Observers, Commentators; the Media in General
- Policymakers
- Regulators
- Politicians interested in the financial services sector
- Financial Conduct Professionals
- Sustainaility experts
- Bankers and representatives of Banking organisations
- Risk Management Professionals
- Compliance Professionals
- Pension Professionals
- Financial Planners and Wealth Managers
- Fiduciaries
- Financial Services Trade Bodies and Professional Associations
- Academics and researchers in governance, stewardship, ethics, conduct and compliance in the banking, investment and pensions space; and more

Our symposium creates a first-class opportunity for a wide range of stakeholders to share their thoughts around what needs to be done to fix what’s wrong in financial services.
We will be structuring the event in such a way that it will be as engaging and as interactive as we can possibly make it, using interactive Zoom.
Here’s the programme and timings, so far*
6:00pm AEST
Welcome to the symposium, introductions and initial exploration of the main issues; plus “Why we must rebuild trustworthiness and confidence in financial services; and how we can do it” by
Andy Agathangelou FTTF FRSA
Founder, Transparency Task Force; Governor, Pensions Policy Institute; former Founding Chair, Friends of Automatic Enrolment; former Founding Chair, Association of Member Nominated Trustees.

6:30pm AEST
Presentation #1, for 15 minutes + 10 minutes Q&A with facilitated discussion, by
Paul Resnik
Paul is CEO of the Suitable Advice Institute which advances financial advice that is customized for the client and founded on their informed consent. Find out more at
Paul is a founder of the world’s first psychometric financial risk tolerance tool for financial advisers. The FinaMetrica Risk Profiler has been used in more than 20 countries for nearly 25 years and is now part of the Morningstar group.
Paul’s slides are available to download below:

6:45pm AEST
Presentation #2, for 10 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A with facilitated discussion, by
Michael Gearin
Michael has extensive experience in banking, investment banking and regulation.
He successfully lead a team through the Global Financial Crisis for Westpac Institutional Bank while he was Director of Strategy and Risk Management.
At Schroders Michael worked in Sydney, Tokyo and London as Director Credit and Capital Markets.
He headed the Financial Reporting Surveillance Program and was a Senior Policy Officer at the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
Michael now operates as an independent consultant in Sydney and attended The Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry in Australia.

7:00pm AEST
Presentation #3, for 10 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A with facilitated discussion, by
Vanessa Hall
Management in Financial Services in Australia, and then 15 years in the
specialised field of trust building and restoration. Her leap from Compliance
to Trust was brought about by her observations that legislation was falling to
change behaviour. Her exploration of what motivates and inspires trust, and
what causes its collapse has taken Vanessa around the world, working with
governments, corporates, NGOs, educators, community leaders, and faith leaders,
across sectors, industries and cultures. Through
strategic partnerships, she brings education, advice, and solutions to
leaders who truly want to enhance trust and monitor and measure its

7:15pm AEST
Comfort Break;
and ideas into Chat about
“What’s it going to take to fix financial services in Australia?”

7:30pm AEST
Open discussion & debate, 15 minutes

8:00pm AEST
Close to the structured session; but for those that want it, we then have…

8:00pm AEST until 8:30pm AEST
Informal, unstructured networking and debate…

* The programme will continuously evolve so is subject to change
Please click below to book your place
For any queries please contact us.