Finance, business and politics: mutual incomprehension and dangerous oversimplification

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Tuesday, November 30th from 6pm to 8pm UK time"


Online symposium via Zoom.


There'll be a great line-up of speakers plus ample scope for discussion and debate.

Why you should attend

Why you should attend this event

Within the worlds of finance, business and politics, decision makers often have little understanding of the other spheres and their interconnectedness; the language and discourse within each is often mutually incomprehensible. Views of the other spheres are often massively and dangerously oversimplified.

This mutual misunderstanding, of the other spheres and their intricate interconnectedness, is damaging to society and the economy, especially when governments are increasingly looking to business and finance to address pressing social issues such as net-zero and levelling up.

This reality leads to the need to properly consider and explore questions such as: 

  • How can this mutual incomprehension gap be bridged? 
  • How can finance and business be positively engaged in politics beyond a narrow self-interest?  
  • How can we identify and utilise trigger points which can lead to radical change
  • How should we develop a new narrative of the political economy?

We have a truly first class line-up of speakers: 

  • The Rt Hon Sir Vince Cable; formerly Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, President of the Board of Trade, leader of the Liberal Democrats and Member of Parliament for the Twickenham constituency
  • Dr. Joe Zammit-Lucia; co-founder of RADIX – a not-for-profit public policy think tank based in the UK, and the RADIX Centre for Business, Politics & Society based in Amsterdam
  • Magdalena Polan;  senior economist working in the asset management industry, responsible primarily for macroeconomic analysis and investment strategy across global emerging markets.
  • Vicky Pryce; former Chief Economic Adviser for the UK Department for Trade and Industry and Joint Head of the UK Government Economic Service
  • Nick Silver; founder/chairman of Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI), founder/director of RADIX and Big Tent Ideas Festival and chairman of Callund Consulting

We hope you enjoy and actively engage with the thought leadership that will be shared at our symposium; it’s an authentic attempt to shine a bright light on the intersection of business, finance and politics; and why it really matters…

We are grateful to RADIX for co-hosting this event alongside the Transparency Task Force; and to Nick Silver who will be Chairing it.

Here's the programme and timings so far...

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Transparency Task Force Advisory Group

You can click on the button below to read about the Transparency Task Force Advisory Group, which is Chaired by the former Chair of the Financial Conduct Authority’s Financial Services Consumer Panel.

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