Scott Housley

Having spent many years in the financial services sector, Scott is passionate about ensuring consumers (personal and corporate) get a fair deal from their financial service providers, and are not penalised by fraudulent activity. He is also keen to ensure that issues of financial exclusion for whatever reason are addressed.

Scott started life in the late 1960’s as a government statistician working in HM Treasury for 10 years, including 2½ years at the OECD in Paris. From there he moved into financial services, working in Williams & Glyns, RBS Group, Girobank (when part of Royal Mail) and Bradford & Bingley when it was still a building society.

After Bradford & Bingley, Scott joined the LINK Interchange Network in 1999. He won a contract with the Post Office to enable individuals on state benefits to use their benefits card account to access cash at post office counters. This primed Scott’s fascination in financial exclusion and the treatment of customers by financial institutions generally.

His work in LINK on access to cash and the wider aspects of financial services brought him in to contact with a fintech start-up company, Monitise. In the early years of this century, Monitise was one of the very first companies to commence developing mobile banking services. Early business development included working in Uganda, to bring mobile banking to the country. This was around the same time that M-PESA was starting to take off in Kenya. Latterly at Monitise, Scott took on responsibility for corporate responsibility, ethical behaviour and regulatory relationships.

Semi-retirement has included work with the Open University, working with Helen Scott (a TTF Ambassador) at Eris FX to help obtain equity and transparency in the foreign exchange market, and a non-executive directorship at ALCO, a small technology company focusing on programme assurance and transit solutions. It has also provided more time for his other passion – walking. Following a catastrophic fall in the Yorkshire Dales in 2018, Scott was airlifted to the major trauma unit at Leeds General Infirmary. As a result, he is now an authorised volunteer for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance!

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