Project Parliament – please be sure to attend a meeting


8 sessions between Monday, 8th July and Thursday,11th July


Online via Zoom.


20 minute presentation by Andy followed by a Q&A

If you have personally been a victim of any kind of financial crime/scandal/financial regulatory failure then we implore you to attend one of the EIGHT Project Parliament meetings taking place on Zoom this week. 

Here’s why:

Project Parliament is a new TTF initiative all about mobilising our membership in the UK to engage constructively with their MP. It’s a great opportunity to capitalise on the fact that an important ‘window of opportunity’ exists in any Parliamentary democracy just after an election, and in particular how in this election there has been widespread expression of a collapse of trust and confidence in politics and politicians 

The initiative is applicable to anybody that can identify with one or more of these situations, or anything similar:

  • Victims of aggressive treatment by HMRC towards financial crime victims
  • Victims of abusive, exploitative and unlawful Personal Guarantees
  • Victims of Ark
  • Victims of Bank of America 
  • Victims of Barclays Bank
  • Victims of Basset & Gold
  • Victims of Bibby
  • Victims of Blackmore Bond
  • Victims of the British Steel Pensions scandal
  • Victims of the Building Societies Scandal
  • Victims of the Car Finance scandal
  • Victims of the Financial Conduct Authority’s catastrophic regulatory failures
  • Victims of Capital Index
  • Victims of Clydesdale Banking Group
  • Victims of Commercial First
  • Victims of Collateral
  • Victims of Concealed Margin Credit Fraud
  • Victims of Connaught Income Fund Series 1
  • Victims of the Defined Benefit Pension Transfer scandal
  • Victims of Dolphin
  • Victims of the Equitable Life scandal
  • Victims of the Financial Ombudsman Service regulatory failure
  • Victims of Fixed Rate Loan Fraud
  • Victims of FundingSecure
  • Victims of HBOS remnants
  • Victims of High Street Group
  • Victims of House Crowd
  • Victims of HSBC
  • Victims of Interest Rate Hedging Product fraud
  • Victims of insolvency fraud
  • Victims of JVIP
  • Victims of KeyData
  • Victims of the London Capital & Finance scandal
  • Victims of Land Registry fraud
  • Victims of Lendy
  • Victims of the LIBOR miscarriages of justice
  • Victims of Lloyds Banking Group
  • Victims of Lloyds BSU
  • Victims of Loan Charge Contractors
  • Victims of Mini Bond scams
  • Victims of misleading APRs
  • Victims of misleading retail FX advertising
  • Victims of Moneything P2P
  • Victims of the Mortgage Prisoners scandal
  • Victims of Northern Rock
  • Victims of Park First
  • Victims of all kinds of Pension Scams
  • Victims of the Philips Trust Corporation Scandal
  • Victims of the Peer to Peer Lending scams
  • Victims of the Post Office Scandal
  • Victims of the PPI scandal
  • Victims of Premier FX
  • Victims of RBS, including RBS GRG
  • Victims of Ready to Invest
  • Victims of Santander
  • Victims of Store First
  • Victims of systemic signature forgeries by banks
  • Victims of the Ulster Bank Scandal
  • Victims of whistleblower mistreatment, including by the Financial Conduct Authority
  • Victims of Virgin Money
  • Victims of the Vulture Funds – including Cerberus
  • Victims of the WASPI Women scandal
  • Victims of Wellesley Finance Plc
  • Victims of Westway
  • Victims of the Woodford scandal
  • Victims of World Class Global Consultants; or anything similar.

Project Parliament is about optimising how to engage with your MP through capitalising on the fact that your elected representative will have won his or her seat in Parliament because of the support of constituents and as such may be especially receptive at this time to constituents explaining their problems; and it’s about providing your MP with an excellent opportunity to win your trust and confidence. 

This is especially so if the MP is new, but it applies whether that’s the case or not. 

At each of the eight meetings you can choose from that are listed below we’ll spend 20 minutes or so explaining in some detail what Project Parliament is all about, what you need to do and how best to do it; and there’ll also be time for some Q&A afterwards.

The meetings are scheduled for just 30 minutes in total. 

Here are the options to select from; please be sure to book yourself onto one of them if and only if you have personally experienced being a victim of one or more of the situations listed above, or similar:

  • Project Parliament Session #1: Monday 8 July 2:00PM
  • Project Parliament Session #2: Monday 8 July 6:00PM
  • Project Parliament Session #3: Tuesday 9 July 9:00AM
  • Project Parliament Session #4: Tuesday 9 July 12:00PM
  • Project Parliament Session #5: Wednesday 10 July 1:00PM
  • Project Parliament Session #6: Wednesday 10 July 4:30PM
  • Project Parliament Session #7: Thursday 11 July 2:00PM
  • Project Parliament Session #8: Thursday 11 July 6:00PM

Further information about the TTF

You can click on the button below to read about the 130+ Transparency Task Force Ambassadors. The list includes world class academics and highly respected thought leaders from right around the world.

Click here to see the TTF Ambassadors

Transparency Task Force Advisory Group

You can click on the button below to read about the Transparency Task Force Advisory Group, which is Chaired by the former Chair of the Financial Conduct Authority’s Financial Services Consumer Panel.

Click here to see the TTF Advisory Group

If you want to read testimonials…

If you haven’t been to one of our events before you can use the link below to read some testimonials:

Click here for Testimonials

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