Ian Beestin
Money Alive
Working with like minded industry professionals, who were committed to creating trustworthy financial communications, Ian is a Co-founder of Money Alive.
Money Alive’s founding objective was to provide consumers with ‘Better Information leading to Better Decisions and Better Outcomes’. Money Alive launched their Video Engagement Platform and range of interactive educational box sets for consumers in 2018. Since launch it has been used by financial professionals, who license the platform, to achieve over 230K video viewings with each viewing providing the platform licensee with a report of the individual’s engagement and understanding.
Earlier in his career Ian was Marketing Director of TIlney and before that founded and ran the ISA Shop Ltd, an information led discount brokerage.
Ian started his career with General Accident Life.
Ian is also an enthusiastic musician. His credits include performing at Glastonbury (and numerous other festivals) and writing the words and recording two recent pension pop hits ’50 Ways To Lose Your Pension’ and ‘Enjoy Your Wealth – But First Make Time To Think’.